100 Common Verb-Preposition Collocations

Feb 27, 2024
  1. Look after: She looks after her younger sister when their parents are at work.
  2. Look at: Look at the beautiful sunset!
  3. Look for: I'm looking for my keys; have you seen them?
  4. Look forward to: I'm looking forward to the weekend; I need a break.
  5. Look up: Can you look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary?
  6. Look out: Look out! There's a car coming!
  7. Look into: We need to look into this matter more carefully before making a decision.
  8. Go on: Please go on with your presentation; we're all listening.
  9. Go out: Let's go out for dinner tonight; I don't feel like cooking.
  10. Go over: Let's go over the details of the plan one more time.
  11. Go with: This wine goes well with seafood.
  12. Go through: She's going through a difficult time right now; we should be supportive.
  13. Go up: The temperature goes up in the summer months.
  14. Go down: The sun goes down, and the stars come out.
  15. Go around: We'll have to go around the construction site to get to the other side of the road.
  16. Go off: The alarm clock went off, waking me up.
  17. Go away: Please go away and leave me alone.
  18. Go back: He wants to go back to school and finish his degree.
  19. Take after: She takes after her mother; they both have the same sense of humor.
  20. Take in: We should take in the beautiful scenery while we're here.
  21. Take on: She took on the challenge of running a marathon.
  22. Take off: The plane took off and disappeared into the clouds.
  23. Take out: Let's take out the trash before it starts to smell.
  24. Take up: I'm thinking of taking up a new hobby, like painting.
  25. Think about: Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?
  26. Think of: What do you think of the new restaurant in town?
  27. Think over: Give me some time to think over your proposal, and I'll get back to you.
  28. Think through: Before making a decision, it's essential to think through all the possible consequences.
  29. Think up: She always thinks up creative solutions to problems.
  30. Believe in: I believe in the power of positive thinking.
  31. Believe that: I believe that honesty is the best policy.
  32. Believe in: He believes in ghosts and supernatural phenomena.
  33. Believe of: I can't believe of a reason why he would do such a thing.
  34. Believe about: Have you heard what people believe about aliens?
  35. Run into: I ran into an old friend at the grocery store yesterday.
  36. Run out: We've run out of milk; we need to buy some more.
  37. Run over: Be careful not to run over the cat!
  38. Run away: The dog ran away and got lost in the woods.
  39. Run up: She ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
  40. Run down: The battery ran down, and the flashlight stopped working.
  41. Run up against: We've run up against some unexpected obstacles in the project.
  42. Run up to: I ran up to the store to buy some bread.
  43. Run off: He ran off with all the money; we've been robbed!
  44. Run around: She's been running around all day, trying to get everything done.
  45. Run through: Let's run through the presentation one more time before the meeting.
  46. Come up: A new opportunity has come up, and I think we should consider it.
  47. Come across: I came across an interesting article while browsing the internet.
  48. Come into: She came into a large inheritance when her uncle died.
  49. Come out: The stars come out at night.
  50. Come back: When will you come back from your vacation?
  51. Come down: The rain came down in torrents during the storm.
  52. Come over: Why don't you come over for dinner tonight?
  1. Come through: She came through for me when I needed her support the most.
  2. Come to: He came to the realization that he needed to change his lifestyle.
  3. Come by: Can you come by my office later? I have something to discuss with you.
  4. Come off: Her plan to start a new business didn't come off as expected.
  5. Get up: I need to get up early tomorrow for my flight.
  6. Get off: We got off the bus at the next stop.
  7. Get on: Let's get on with the task at hand; we're running out of time.
  8. Get over: It took her a long time to get over her fear of flying.
  9. Get through: We need to work together to get through this difficult situation.
  10. Get into: He got into trouble with the law when he was younger.
  11. Get out: Get out of my room; I need some privacy!
  12. Get away: Let's get away for the weekend and go camping.
  13. Get around: It's easy to get around the city using public transportation.
  14. Get together: Let's get together for lunch next week and catch up.
  15. Get down: Don't let setbacks get you down; keep pushing forward.
  16. Get along: They get along well with each other despite their differences.
  17. Get in: He got in trouble for arriving late to work.
  18. Get by: We're just getting by on my salary; we need to find a way to save more money.
  19. Get rid of: I need to get rid of all this clutter in my house; it's driving me crazy.
  20. Get to: Let's get to work on this project right away.
  21. Get back: I'll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.
  22. Get through to: I've been trying to get through to him, but he's not answering his phone.
  23. Get at: What are you trying to get at with all these questions?
  24. Put up with: I don't know how she puts up with him; he's so annoying!
  25. Put off: We had to put off our vacation because of work commitments.
  26. Put on: She put on her coat and left the house.
  27. Put out: Can you put out the trash before you leave?
  28. Put away: Put away your toys before dinner, please.
  29. Put together: Let's put together a plan for the upcoming project.
  30. Put down: Don't put down your colleagues in front of others; it's not professional.
  31. Put back: Put the book back on the shelf when you're done reading it.
  32. Put through: I'll put you through to the manager's office now.
  33. Put forward: She put forward a proposal to increase employee benefits.
  34. Put aside: Let's put aside our differences and work together on this.
  35. Put in: He put in a lot of effort to make the project successful.
  36. Put up: Can I put up a poster on your bulletin board?
  37. Put up to: I think he was put up to the prank by his friends.
  38. Look forward to: I'm looking forward to seeing you next week.
  39. Look out for: Look out for traffic when crossing the street.
  40. Look up to: She looks up to her older sister as a role model.
  41. Look in: I'll look in on my grandmother later to make sure she's okay.
  42. Look after: Can you look after my plants while I'm away on vacation?
  43. Look over: Please look over this report and let me know if there are any mistakes.
  44. Look upon: He looks upon his time in college as some of the best years of his life.
  45. Go on: The meeting went on for hours before a decision was reached.
  46. Go off: The alarm clock went off, waking me up.
  47. Go through: He's going through a difficult time right now; we should be supportive.
  48. Go out: Let's go out for dinner tonight; I don't feel like cooking.

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