Using Question Tags in English (A2-B1)

Feb 13, 2024

Using Question Tags in English

What are question tags?

Question tags, also known as tag questions, are short phrases added to the end of a statement to turn it into a question or to confirm information. Question tags are typically formed by using the auxiliary verb from the main statement (or "do" if there is no auxiliary verb) and the appropriate pronoun.

What do we use question tags?

They are often used to seek agreement, confirmation, or clarification from the listener. They could show listeners that you are cognizant of their presence. They could also help to avoid repetition and add variety in the way you use English. 

Examples of question tags

  1. You're not going, are you?
  2. She's coming with us, isn't she?
  3. He won't be late, will he?
  4. They've finished their work, haven't they?
  5. It's raining outside, isn't it?
  6. We should leave now, shouldn't we?
  7. You've already eaten, haven't you?
  8. She can swim, can't she?
  9. They don't like pizza, do they?
  10. He hasn't forgotten, has he?
  11. You won't mind helping, will you?
  12. She didn't call, did she?
  13. We're almost there, aren't we?
  14. You've met him before, haven't you?
  15. She hasn't finished yet, has she?
  16. He doesn't know the answer, does he?
  17. It won't take long, will it?
  18. You can speak French, can't you?
  19. They've been here before, haven't they?
  20. She doesn't want dessert, does she?
  21. We shouldn't be late, should we?
  22. You've seen this movie, haven't you?
  23. He won't forget, will he?
  24. She hasn't arrived yet, has she?
  25. It's a lovely day, isn't it?
  26. We'll see each other later, won't we?
  27. You're from Canada, aren't you?
  28. She can drive, can't she?
  29. They don't like spicy food, do they?
  30. He won't be joining us, will he?

Knowledge Check: Question Tags

Instructions: Read the statements about movies below. Add the appropriate question tag to each statement.

  1. Titanic is a classic love story, __________?
  2. The main actor did a fantastic job in that scene, __________?
  3. You've seen The Godfather, __________?
  4. She hasn't watched the latest Star Wars movie yet, __________?
  5. We should watch a comedy tonight, __________?
  6. They won't mind if we arrive a little late, __________?
  7. It's one of the highest-grossing films of all time, __________?
  8. The special effects in that movie were incredible, __________?
  9. You didn't enjoy the film, __________?
  10. We've already bought tickets for the premiere, __________?

Ready to See the Answers?

Answer Key:

  1. isn't it?
  2. didn't he?
  3. haven't you?
  4. have they?
  5. shouldn't we?
  6. will they?
  7. isn't it?
  8. weren't they?
  9. did you?
  10. haven't we?

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