Using Modal Verbs in English (B1-B2)

a2 english b1 english b2 english Feb 15, 2024

Using Modal Verbs in English

What are modal verbs?

Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb used to express various meanings such as possibility, necessity, permission, ability, obligation, and more. They modify the main verb in a sentence and convey the speaker's attitude towards the action.

  1. Ability/Inability:

    • Can: She can swim.
    • Could: He could run fast when he was younger.
    • Be able to: I will be able to finish the project by tomorrow.
  2. Permission:

    • May: You may leave the room.
    • Can: Can I borrow your pen?
    • Could: Could I use your phone for a moment?
    • Might: You might be excused from the meeting.
  3. Possibility/Probability:

    • May: It may rain later.
    • Might: She might arrive early.
    • Could: The package could arrive today.
    • Must: It must be John at the door.
  4. Obligation/Necessity:

    • Must: You must finish your homework before watching TV.
    • Have to: We have to attend the meeting.
    • Need to: You need to wear a helmet while riding a bike.
    • Should: You should apologize for your mistake.
    • Ought to: He ought to be more careful with his belongings.
  5. Advice/Recommendation:

    • Should: You should eat more vegetables.
    • Ought to: They ought to consider the consequences.
  6. Prohibition/Restriction:

    • Must not: You must not smoke in here.
    • Can't: You can't park here.
    • May not: You may not enter without permission.
  7. Expectation/Assumption:

    • Shall: She shall arrive at 7 o'clock.
    • Will: The train will arrive in a few minutes.
    • Would: He would always help others in need.
    • Should: They should be finished by now.
    • Must: She must be at work already.
  8. Request/Politeness:

    • Can: Can you help me with this?
    • Could: Could you please pass the salt?
    • Would: Would you mind opening the window?
  9. Ability in the Past:

    • Could: When I was younger, I could climb trees.
    • Was/Were able to: He was able to solve the problem.
  10. Certainty/Deduction:

    • Must: You must be joking!
    • Can't: He can't be serious.

Knowledge Check #1: Modal Verbs

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb from the given options.

  1. You __________ finish your homework before you watch TV.

    • a) can
    • b) must
    • c) should
  2. I __________ speak French fluently when I was younger.

    • a) could
    • b) must
    • c) should
  3. Students __________ wear a uniform to school.

    • a) can
    • b) must
    • c) should
  4. __________ I borrow your pen, please?

    • a) Can
    • b) May
    • c) Would
  5. She __________ be at work already.

    • a) must
    • b) should
    • c) will
  6. You __________ study hard if you want to pass the exam.

    • a) can
    • b) need
    • c) should
  7. They __________ be home by now. Let's call them.

    • a) can
    • b) must
    • c) will
  8. You __________ park here. It's a no-parking zone.

    • a) may not
    • b) must not
    • c) can't
  9. He __________ have been at the party last night. He was out of town.

    • a) could
    • b) must
    • c) would
  10. __________ you please help me with this heavy box?

    • a) Can
    • b) Would
    • c) Should

Ready to See the Answers?

Answer Key:

  1. b) must
  2. a) could
  3. b) must
  4. a) Can
  5. a) must
  6. c) should
  7. b) must
  8. b) must not
  9. a) could
  10. b) Would

Knowledge Check #2: Modal Verbs on the Topic of Homes

Part #1: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Modal Verb (can, could, may, might, must, should, ought to)

You ___________ keep the doors locked when you leave the house.
We ___________ rearrange the furniture to make more space in the living room.
Children ___________ always ask for permission before going outside to play.
I'm not sure, but it ___________ rain later, so you might want to take an umbrella.
Guests ___________ take off their shoes before entering the house.
You ___________ check the expiry date on the milk before using it.
It's late, so you ___________ go to bed now.
We ___________ call a plumber to fix the leaky faucet in the bathroom.
You ___________ leave the lights on when you're not in the room.
You ___________ inform the landlord if there's any damage to the property.

Part 2: Choose the Correct Modal Verb to Complete the Sentences

Sarah, you ___________ leave your bicycle in the hallway. It's blocking the way.
a) can
b) must
c) should
Jack, you ___________ fix the broken window before it gets colder.
a) must
b) might
c) should
___________ I use your computer for a moment? Mine is not working.
a) Should
b) May
c) Could
You ___________ switch off the oven when you're done cooking.
a) must
b) should
c) could
We ___________ paint the walls of the bedroom next weekend.
a) might
b) can
c) ought to


Part 3: Write three sentences describing rules or advice related to living in a house using modal verbs.




Ready to See the Answers?

Answer Key:

Part 1:

  1. must
  2. could
  3. should
  4. may
  5. should
  6. must
  7. should
  8. should
  9. must
  10. should

Part 2:

  1. c) should
  2. a) must
  3. c) could
  4. b) should
  5. c) ought to

Part 3:

  • Example answers:
  1. Guests should take off their shoes before entering the house.
  2. You must keep the kitchen clean after cooking.
  3. We ought to water the plants regularly to keep them healthy.

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