Types of Essays Overview

univ 1001 writ 1001 writ 1002 Feb 08, 2024

Types of College and University Essays

Writing Essays

I tell my college students all the time that essay writing is not a naturally given skill. If you are struggling with it, that's completely normal. You're not alone. In fact, one place where first language English speakers and additional language English speakers could find common ground is academic writing because it is a register of language that pretty much everyone is pushed to learn and overcome associated challenges as they enter the post-secondary environment. 

Why Do We Write Essays?

  1. To Demonstrate Understanding: Writing essays helps individuals demonstrate their comprehension and mastery of a subject or topic. By synthesizing information, conducting research, and presenting arguments in an organized manner, writers showcase their understanding of the material and their ability to critically engage with it.
  2. To Persuade: Essays often aim to persuade readers to adopt a certain viewpoint, opinion, or belief. Whether through persuasive, argumentative, or opinion-based writing, essays provide a platform for writers to present evidence, reasoning, and logic in support of their position, aiming to convince others of its validity.
  3. To Communicate Ideas: Essays serve as a medium for individuals to express their thoughts, opinions, and arguments on a particular topic. They allow writers to communicate complex ideas, theories, and analyses in a structured and coherent manner, making them understandable to readers.
  4. To Educate: Essays serve as valuable tools for educating and informing readers about various subjects, issues, or phenomena. Whether through informative, expository, or analytical writing, essays provide readers with insights, explanations, and interpretations that deepen their understanding of the world around them.
  5. To Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Writing essays fosters the development of critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and effective communication skills. By engaging in research, analysis, and synthesis, writers learn to evaluate information, construct coherent arguments, and communicate their ideas persuasively, skills that are essential in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

Types of Essays

Narrative Essay

Purpose: To tell a story or recount personal experiences.
Characteristics: Typically involves a plot, characters, setting, and a clear narrative structure.

Descriptive Essay

Purpose: To describe a person, place, object, or event in detail.
Characteristics: Relies on sensory details, vivid language, and imagery to create a clear mental picture.

Argumentative Essay

Purpose: To persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action.
Characteristics: Presents a clear thesis statement, supports arguments with evidence, and addresses counterarguments.

Check out our FREE How to Write an Argumentative Essay course here.

Expository Essay

Purpose: To provide information, explain a topic, or analyze a concept.
Characteristics: Organized with a clear structure, typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Purpose: To analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
Characteristics: Focuses on highlighting both commonalities and distinctions.

Cause and Effect Essay

Purpose: To examine the reasons behind an event (causes) and its outcomes (effects).
Characteristics: Emphasizes the relationship between the cause and its corresponding effects.


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