Talking about the Weather in English (B1-C1)

Feb 27, 2024


  1. Sunny
  2. Cloudy
  3. Rainy
  4. Windy
  5. Stormy
  6. Foggy
  7. Snowy
  8. Overcast
  9. Clear
  10. Hazy
  11. Drizzle
  12. Showers
  13. Thunderstorm
  14. Blizzard
  15. Sleet
  16. Gale
  17. Tornado
  18. Hurricane
  19. Monsoon
  20. Heatwave
  21. Cold spell
  22. Frost
  23. Ice
  24. Frostbite
  25. Drought
  26. Flood
  27. Humid
  28. Dry
  29. Wet
  30. Muggy
  31. Chilly
  32. Breezy
  33. Gust
  34. Downpour
  35. Torrential rain
  36. Downpour
  37. Cloudburst
  38. Squall
  39. Cyclone
  40. Typhoon
  41. Hailstorm
  42. Thunder
  43. Lightning
  44. Rainbow
  45. Fogbank
  46. Mist
  47. Drift
  48. Nor'easter
  49. Polar vortex
  50. Precipitation
  51. Temperature
  52. Barometer
  53. Thermometer
  54. Weather forecast
  55. Meteorologist
  56. Climate
  57. Atmospheric pressure
  58. Low-pressure system
  59. High-pressure system
  60. Cold front
  61. Warm front
  62. Occluded front
  63. Climate change
  64. Global warming
  65. Weather pattern
  66. Wind chill
  67. Wind speed
  68. UV index
  69. Visibility
  70. Dew point
  71. Relative humidity
  72. Sunrise
  73. Sunset
  74. Daylight
  75. Twilight
  76. Moon phase
  77. Celestial event
  78. Solar eclipse
  79. Lunar eclipse
  80. Aurora
  81. Rainbow
  82. Foghorn
  83. Weather satellite
  84. Doppler radar
  85. Weather balloon
  86. Jet stream
  87. Evaporation
  88. Condensation
  89. Convection
  90. Cirrus clouds
  91. Cumulus clouds
  92. Stratus clouds
  93. Nimbostratus clouds
  94. Cumulonimbus clouds
  95. Altostratus clouds
  96. Altocumulus clouds
  97. Cirrostratus clouds
  98. Cirrocumulus clouds
  99. Stratocumulus clouds
  100. Fog horn


  1. It's sunny outside.
  2. It looks like rain.
  3. It's pouring down.
  4. There's a strong wind blowing.
  5. It's stormy weather.
  6. It's freezing cold.
  7. We're expecting snow tonight.
  8. It's foggy this morning.
  9. The sky is clear.
  10. The weather is perfect for a picnic.
  11. It's a beautiful day.
  12. It's a bit chilly out.
  13. There's a rainbow in the sky.
  14. It's so humid today.
  15. It's muggy and uncomfortable.
  16. It's sweltering hot.
  17. It's too cold to go outside.
  18. It's drizzling lightly.
  19. The sun is shining brightly.
  20. There's a light breeze blowing.

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