Talking about the Time in English: Expressions and Tenses

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024
  1. Time flies when you're having fun - Time seems to pass quickly when you're enjoying yourself.
  2. A race against time - Working urgently to complete something before a deadline.
  3. Time is money - Time should be used efficiently because it has value, similar to money.
  4. Make time for someone/something - To find time to do something or spend time with someone despite a busy schedule.
  5. Time heals all wounds - Over time, emotional pain or distress lessens or disappears.
  6. Time after time - Repeatedly, on multiple occasions.
  7. A matter of time - An event or outcome that is expected to happen eventually.
  8. Better late than never - It's better to do something late than not at all.
  9. Out of time - Running out of available time to complete something.
  10. It's about time - Used to express that something should have happened sooner.
  11. It's high time - It's past the appropriate time for something to happen.
  12. Ahead of time - Completing or finishing something before the scheduled time.
  13. Lost track of time - Not being aware of the passage of time, usually because of being deeply engaged in an activity.
  14. In the nick of time - Just in time, with only a small amount of time to spare.
  15. Only time will tell - The outcome or result of a situation will only be known in the future.
  16. Time is on my side - Time is favorable or working in one's favor.
  17. Time for a change - A need or desire for something new or different.
  18. Time's a-wasting - Used to urge someone to start something immediately or to stop wasting time.
  19. Time to move on - It's time to leave a situation or place and begin something new.
  20. Time to spare - Having extra time available beyond what is needed.
  21. Once upon a time - Used to introduce a story, typically from the past.
  22. Time off - A period of time when someone is not working or engaged in their usual activities.
  23. Take your time - Proceed at a comfortable or unhurried pace.
  24. Time to kill - Having free time with nothing specific to do.
  25. Time to shine - An opportunity for someone to excel or demonstrate their abilities.
  26. Time out - A brief break or pause from an activity or situation.
  27. Time is of the essence - Time is crucial or critical to the success of a task or project.
  28. Time to hit the road - Time to leave or depart from a place.
  29. Time well spent - Time that has been used productively or enjoyably.
  30. Time flies by - Time passes quickly, especially when engaged in something enjoyable or absorbing.
  31. Time for reflection - A period of time dedicated to thinking or contemplating.
  32. Time for action - A moment when decisive action is necessary or appropriate.
  33. Time to wake up and smell the coffee - Used to urge someone to become aware of or face reality.
  34. Time management - The ability to plan and control how one's time is allocated.
  35. Time to face the music - Time to accept the consequences of one's actions.
  36. Time to turn over a new leaf - Time to make a fresh start or change one's behavior.
  37. Time for bed - Time to go to sleep or retire for the night.
  38. Time to make a move - Time to take action or make a decision.
  39. Time to make ends meet - Time to manage finances or resources to cover expenses.
  40. Time to make amends - Time to apologize or correct past mistakes.
  41. Time to put pen to paper - Time to start writing or expressing thoughts or ideas.
  42. Time to make hay while the sun shines - Time to take advantage of favorable conditions or opportunities.
  43. Time for a reality check - Time to confront or acknowledge the truth of a situation.
  44. Time to make tracks - Time to leave or depart from a place.
  45. Time to cut to the chase - Time to get to the main point or purpose without delay.
  46. Time is ticking away - Time is passing quickly, often with a sense of urgency.
  47. Time to pull the plug - Time to stop or end something, often abruptly.
  48. Time to turn back the clock - Time to return to a previous state or time period.
  49. Time to play catch up - Time to make up for lost time or effort.
  50. Time to step up to the plate - Time to take responsibility or action in a challenging situation.

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