Talking about Multiculturalism and Culture in English

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024


  1. Cultural diversity - The existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
  2. Ethnicity - Belonging to a particular cultural or racial group.
  3. Integration - The process of bringing together different cultural groups into a unified whole.
  4. Assimilation - The process by which individuals or groups adopt the cultural norms of the dominant society.
  5. Pluralism - The coexistence of diverse cultural groups within a society, each maintaining their distinct identities.
  6. Cultural exchange - The sharing and exchange of cultural ideas, customs, and traditions between different groups.
  7. Multiracial - Involving or including people of several races.
  8. Multilingualism - The ability to speak multiple languages.
  9. Cultural tolerance - The acceptance and respect for cultural differences.
  10. Cross-cultural communication - Communication between people from different cultural backgrounds.
  11. Inclusivity - The practice of including people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  12. Diversity training - Training programs designed to promote understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity.
  13. Cultural identity - The sense of belonging to a particular cultural or ethnic group.
  14. Cultural relativism - The belief that cultural practices and beliefs should be understood and evaluated within their own cultural context.
  15. Ethnocentrism - The belief in the superiority of one's own cultural group over others.
  16. Minority group - A group of people who are outnumbered or disadvantaged in relation to the dominant culture.
  17. Majority group - The dominant or largest group within a society.
  18. Cultural heritage - The traditions, customs, and artifacts passed down from generation to generation within a culture.
  19. Interculturalism - The interaction and exchange between different cultural groups.
  20. Globalization - The process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries and cultures.
  21. Immigration - The act of moving to a new country to live permanently.
  22. Emigration - The act of leaving one's own country to settle in another.
  23. Cultural sensitivity - Being aware of and respectful towards cultural differences.
  24. Ethnography - The study of cultures and cultural phenomena.
  25. Intersectionality - The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender.
  26. Diaspora - The dispersion of people from their original homeland to other parts of the world.
  27. Ethnocide - The deliberate destruction of a cultural group's way of life.
  28. Cultural appropriation - The unauthorized adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of another culture.
  29. Social cohesion - The ability of different cultural groups to live together harmoniously within a society.
  30. Cultural assimilation - The process by which individuals or groups adopt the cultural norms of the dominant society.


  1. "We are all different, but we are all equal."
  2. "Unity in diversity."
  3. "Celebrate our differences."
  4. "Learning from each other's cultures."
  5. "Respect for all cultures."
  6. "Strength in cultural diversity."
  7. "Embracing multiculturalism."
  8. "Building bridges between cultures."
  9. "Creating an inclusive society."
  10. "Honoring cultural heritage."
  11. "Cultural exchange promotes understanding."
  12. "Diversity makes us stronger."
  13. "Fostering cultural harmony."
  14. "Cultural diversity is our strength."
  15. "Respect cultural differences."
  16. "We are more alike than we are different."
  17. "Promoting tolerance and acceptance."
  18. "Bridging cultural divides."
  19. "Embracing cultural differences."
  20. "United in diversity."

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