Stative vs. Dynamic Verbs (B2-C1)

b2 grammar Feb 13, 2024

Stative vs. Dynamic Verbs

Stative Verbs

These verbs describe a state, condition, or situation that is relatively static and not typically associated with an action or change. They often describe emotions, thoughts, senses, or states of being.

Dynamic Verbs

These verbs describe actions, processes, or activities that involve movement, change, or ongoing actions. Dynamic verbs typically represent things that can be physically seen or experienced.

Why Does It Matter?

Stative verbs are not usually used in progressive (continuous) tenses because they imply a state rather than an action. Dynamic verbs, on the other hand, could be used in progressive tenses to indicate actions that are happening at a particular moment or over a period of time.

The vast majority of the verbs are dynamic verbs. So, in order to avoid committing errors in this area, it would be advisable to learn common stative verbs and avoid using them in progressive tenses.

Common Stative Verbs

Mental States

  1. Know
  2. Believe
  3. Understand
  4. Think
  5. Remember
  6. Forget
  7. Assume
  8. Imagine
  9. Realize
  10. Doubt
  11. Trust
  12. Recognize
  13. Suppose
  14. Wish
  15. Despair
  16. Admire
  17. Adore
  18. Fascinate
  19. Disagree
  20. Hesitate
  21. Appreciate
  22. Fear
  23. Mind
  24. Reflect

Emotional States

  1. Like
  2. Dislike
  3. Love
  4. Hate
  5. Prefer
  6. Envy
  7. Despise
  8. Impress
  9. Encourage
  10. Disappoint
  11. Rejoice
  12. Deserve
  13. Apologize
  14. Enjoy
  15. Miss
  16. Fear

Possession and Ownership

  1. Have
  2. Possess
  3. Include
  4. Contain
  5. Owe
  6. Occupy

Appearance and Perception

  1. Appear
  2. Seem
  3. Resemble

Necessity and Obligation

  1. Need
  2. Want
  3. Require
  4. Concern
  5. Boast
  6. Suit
  7. Qualify
  8. Demand
  9. Indicate
  10. Denote
  11. Signify
  12. Symbolize
  13. Represent

Existence and Being

  1. Be
  2. Exist

Other States and Conditions

  1. Consist
  2. Entail
  3. Belong
  4. Depend
  5. Matter
  6. Weigh
  7. Promise
  8. Tend
  9. Permit
  10. Suggest
  11. Occupy
  12. Encompass
  13. Define

Stative vs. Dynamic Verbs Worksheet

Instructions: Read each sentence carefully. Determine whether the underlined verb is a stative verb (S) or a dynamic verb (D). Write your answer in the blank provided.

1. Maria always enjoys watching the sunset at the beach.

  • Verb: enjoys
  • Answer: _____

2. The students are learning about ancient civilizations in history class.

  • Verb: learning
  • Answer: _____

3. She has a beautiful garden with colorful flowers and tall trees.

  • Verb: has
  • Answer: _____

4. Jason believes that hard work leads to success.

  • Verb: believes
  • Answer: _____

5. They are playing soccer in the park this afternoon.

  • Verb: playing
  • Answer: _____

6. He knows the answer to the difficult question.

  • Verb: knows
  • Answer: _____

7. The chef is preparing a delicious meal for the guests.

  • Verb: preparing
  • Answer: _____

8. Sarah dislikes eating mushrooms because of their texture.

  • Verb: dislikes
  • Answer: _____

9. The cat sleeps peacefully on the window sill every afternoon.

  • Verb: sleeps
  • Answer: _____

10. The children are building a sandcastle on the beach.

  • Verb: building
  • Answer: _____

Ready to See the Answers?


  1. S (Stative)
  2. D (Dynamic)
  3. S (Stative)
  4. S (Stative)
  5. D (Dynamic)
  6. S (Stative)
  7. D (Dynamic)
  8. S (Stative)
  9. S (Stative)
  10. D (Dynamic)

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