Planning, Writing and Revising Your Academic Writing

Feb 08, 2024


Purpose: Establish a roadmap for your writing, clarifying your goals, target audience, and main ideas.
Define Purpose and Audience: Clearly identify why you are writing and who your audience is.
Generate Ideas: Brainstorm and jot down all relevant ideas related to your topic.
Outline: Organize your ideas into a structured outline, including a thesis statement and main supporting points.
Research (if needed): Gather information and sources that support your main points.

Purpose: Develop a draft based on your plan, conveying your message in a coherent and organized manner.
Start with a hook to grab the reader's attention.
Introduce the topic and provide background information.
Present a clear thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs:
Develop each main point in a separate paragraph.
Provide supporting details, examples, and evidence.
Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs.
Use transitional phrases to guide the reader smoothly from one idea to the next.
Summarize key points.
Restate the thesis in a different way.
Offer a concluding thought or call to action.

Purpose: Review and refine your initial draft for clarity, coherence, and effectiveness.
Content Review:
Evaluate the overall strength of your arguments.
Check for logical consistency and coherence.
Ensure a clear and logical structure.
Check that each paragraph contributes to the overall flow.
Clarity and Precision:
Clarify any ambiguous or unclear language.
Ensure precision in your choice of words.
Grammar and Style:
Edit for grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Maintain a consistent writing style.
Peer Review (optional):
Seek feedback from others to gain different perspectives.

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