Phrases for Making Decisions

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024
  1. I've made up my mind.

    • Example: After much deliberation, I've made up my mind to accept the job offer.
  2. Let's go for it.

    • Example: The opportunity is too good to pass up. Let's go for it and start our own business.
  3. It's settled then.

    • Example: We've discussed all the options, and everyone agrees on this plan. It's settled then.
  4. I've come to a decision.

    • Example: After carefully considering both sides, I've come to a decision—I'm going to study abroad.
  5. That's the best course of action.

    • Example: Considering the circumstances, resigning from my job seems like the best course of action.
  6. I'm leaning towards [option].

    • Example: I'm leaning towards taking a gap year before starting university.
  7. We should take the plunge.

    • Example: We've been talking about traveling around the world for years. I think we should finally take the plunge and do it.
  8. I'm inclined to agree.

    • Example: Based on the evidence presented, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal.
  9. It's a no-brainer.

    • Example: The offer comes with so many benefits—it's a no-brainer that I should accept it.
  10. I'm sold on the idea.

    • Example: After hearing all the details, I'm sold on the idea of renovating our home.

And so on with the remaining expressions, each followed by an example illustrating its usage.

20 more

Certainly! Here are 20 more expressions for making decisions with examples:

  1. Let's give it a shot.

    • Example: We're not sure if the new marketing strategy will work, but let's give it a shot and see how it goes.
  2. I'm all in.

    • Example: The project is ambitious, but I'm all in and ready to commit to making it a success.
  3. That's the way to go.

    • Example: Investing in renewable energy sources is the way to go if we want to reduce our carbon footprint.
  4. I've decided to [action].

    • Example: After much contemplation, I've decided to pursue a career in journalism.
  5. It's worth a try.

    • Example: We're not sure if the new restaurant will be successful, but it's worth a try to see if it attracts customers.
  6. I'm convinced.

    • Example: After reviewing the data, I'm convinced that implementing the new software system will improve efficiency.
  7. We should take the risk.

    • Example: The market is unpredictable, but we should take the risk and invest in the new venture.
  8. That's the most sensible choice.

    • Example: Given our budget constraints, opting for the more affordable option is the most sensible choice.
  9. Let's take the bull by the horns.

    • Example: Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to us, let's take the bull by the horns and create our own success.
  10. I'm going to [action].

    • Example: The current situation calls for action, so I'm going to speak to my manager about the issue.

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