Overview of Relative Clauses

Feb 01, 2024

Relative Clauses

Combine the given sentences using relative clauses. Rewrite the sentences to create a single sentence with a relative clause.

  1. The movie was captivating. We watched the movie last night.

  2. The restaurant is famous. They serve delicious seafood.

  3. The person is my neighbor. I borrowed a lawnmower from the person.

  4. The project was challenging. We completed the project ahead of schedule.

  5. The artist created beautiful sculptures. I visited the artist's studio yesterday.

  6. The car belongs to my friend. It was parked outside the library.

  7. The museum displays ancient artifacts. I visited the museum during my vacation.

  8. The mountain offers breathtaking views. We hiked to the mountain's summit.

  9. The house has a beautiful garden. I bought the house last year.

  10. The team won the championship. They played exceptionally well in the final.

  11. The book is on the shelf. I recommended the book to you.

  12. The professor gave an inspiring lecture. I attended the lecture last week.

  13. The dog is barking loudly. It belongs to our neighbor.

  14. The school organized a field trip. We visited the zoo during the field trip.

  15. The laptop is on sale. I saw the laptop at the electronics store.


  1. The movie was captivating. We watched the movie last night.

    • Revised: The movie that we watched last night was captivating.
  2. The restaurant is famous. They serve delicious seafood.

    • Revised: The restaurant that serves delicious seafood is famous.
  3. The person is my neighbor. I borrowed a lawnmower from the person.

    • Revised: The person from whom I borrowed a lawnmower is my neighbor.
  4. The project was challenging. We completed the project ahead of schedule.

    • Revised: The project that we completed ahead of schedule was challenging.
  5. The artist created beautiful sculptures. I visited the artist's studio yesterday.

    • Revised: The artist, whose studio I visited yesterday, created beautiful sculptures.
  6. The car belongs to my friend. It was parked outside the library.

    • Revised: The car that was parked outside the library belongs to my friend.
  7. The museum displays ancient artifacts. I visited the museum during my vacation.

    • Revised: The museum that I visited during my vacation displays ancient artifacts.
  8. The mountain offers breathtaking views. We hiked to the mountain's summit.

    • Revised: The mountain to whose summit we hiked offers breathtaking views.
  9. The house has a beautiful garden. I bought the house last year.

    • Revised: The house that I bought last year has a beautiful garden.
  10. The team won the championship. They played exceptionally well in the final.

    • Revised: The team that played exceptionally well in the final won the championship.
  11. The book is on the shelf. I recommended the book to you.

    • Revised: The book that I recommended to you is on the shelf.
  12. The professor gave an inspiring lecture. I attended the lecture last week.

    • Revised: The professor whose inspiring lecture I attended last week gave the lecture.
  13. The dog is barking loudly. It belongs to our neighbor.

    • Revised: The dog that is barking loudly belongs to our neighbor.
  14. The school organized a field trip. We visited the zoo during the field trip.

    • Revised: The school that organized the field trip is where we visited the zoo.
  15. The laptop is on sale. I saw the laptop at the electronics store.

    • Revised: The laptop that I saw at the electronics store is on sale.

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