Overview of Adjectives in English

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024

In English, when multiple adjectives are used to describe a noun, they usually follow a specific order. The typical order of adjectives is as follows:

  1. Opinion: Adjectives that express opinions or judgments about the noun (e.g., beautiful, ugly, delicious).
  2. Size: Adjectives that describe the size of the noun (e.g., small, large, tiny).
  3. Age: Adjectives indicating the age of the noun (e.g., old, young, new).
  4. Shape: Adjectives that describe the shape of the noun (e.g., round, square, triangular).
  5. Color: Adjectives indicating the color of the noun (e.g., red, blue, green).
  6. Origin: Adjectives that describe the origin or nationality of the noun (e.g., Italian, French, American).
  7. Material: Adjectives indicating the material of which the noun is made (e.g., wooden, metal, plastic).
  8. Purpose or Qualifier: Adjectives that specify the purpose or function of the noun (e.g., cooking, swimming, wedding).


  1. She bought a beautiful, red dress for the party.
  2. The small, old house was nestled among the trees.
  3. He picked up a large, heavy rock from the riverbed.
  4. They admired the tall, graceful trees in the park.
  5. We enjoyed a delicious, homemade meal prepared by our friend.
  6. The young, enthusiastic students eagerly participated in the science fair.
  7. She received a shiny, silver trophy for winning the competition.
  8. The cozy, comfortable blanket kept us warm during the cold night.
  9. They marveled at the intricate, ancient ruins of the temple.
  10. The friendly, helpful staff made our stay at the hotel enjoyable.

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