Offering and Asking for Help in English

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024
  1. Can I give you a hand?
  2. Is there anything I can assist you with?
  3. How can I help?
  4. Let me know if you need anything.
  5. Do you need a hand with that?
  6. Can I lend you a hand?
  7. Would you like me to help you out?
  8. If you need any assistance, I'm here.
  9. Shall I assist you with that?
  10. I'm at your service. What can I do?
  11. Need a hand with that task?
  12. Do you require any assistance?
  13. May I be of assistance?
  14. Is there anything I can do to help?
  15. Need a little help there?
  16. Would you like some support?
  17. Do you need a hand getting started?
  18. Let me offer my help.
  19. Can I be of any help to you?
  20. Want me to lend a hand?
  21. Need any assistance with that?
  22. Shall I give you a hand with that?
  23. Want me to pitch in?
  24. How about I help you with that?
  25. Need some assistance figuring that out?
  26. Can I assist you in any way?
  27. Would you like me to take care of that for you?
  28. Would you like a hand with that task?
  29. Want me to help you out?
  30. Do you need a hand finishing that?
  31. Need any help with that project?
  32. Would you like some assistance with that matter?
  33. Want me to lend you a hand?
  34. Need a hand finding a solution?
  35. Do you need some help tackling that?
  36. Need any support with that issue?
  37. Want me to assist you with that problem?
  38. Can I offer my help with that?
  39. Need any assistance overcoming that obstacle?
  40. Want me to help you work through that?
  41. Need a hand resolving that matter?
  42. Can I help you find a solution?
  43. Want me to assist you in dealing with that?
  44. Can I give you some support?
  45. Need a hand navigating that challenge?
  46. Want me to help you sort that out?
  47. Do you need some help figuring that out?
  48. Need a hand getting to the bottom of that?
  49. Want me to help you out with that issue?
  50. Need any assistance addressing that concern?

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