Modifying Comparatives in English (B1)

Feb 11, 2024

Modifying Comparatives in English

What does it mean to modify comparatives?

Modifying comparatives involves adding adverbs or adjectives to strengthen or weaken the comparison between two or more things. These modifiers can alter the degree or intensity of the comparison. 

1. Strengthening Comparatives

The car is much faster than the bicycle.
She is significantly taller than her sister.
This book is far more interesting than that one.
He runs considerably farther than his friends.

2. Weakening Comparatives

The cat is slightly smaller than the dog.
It's marginally less expensive than the other option.
This task is somewhat easier than the previous one.
The second film is a little less exciting than the first.

3. Intensifying Comparatives

The coffee here is way better than at the other café.
She is infinitely more talented than anyone else.
He's vastly more experienced than his colleagues.
This cake is immensely tastier than the store-bought one.

4. Softening Comparatives

The meeting was somewhat more productive than last time.
His performance was moderately better than expected.
The results were slightly higher than the previous quarter.
The weather is marginally warmer than yesterday.
By using these modifiers, you can adjust the comparison to accurately reflect the degree of difference between the compared entities.

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