Millenial and GenZ Vocabulary (C1)

c1 english general english Feb 13, 2024

Millenial and GenZ Vocabulary

Millenial Vocabulary

  1. Lit: Amazing or exciting.
  2. Slay: To do something exceptionally well.
  3. Adulting: Engaging in activities associated with adulthood, like paying bills or doing chores.
  4. Basic: Conforming to mainstream trends, lacking originality.
  5. FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out; anxiety about not being included in an event or activity.
  6. Squad: Close group of friends.
  7. Bae: Term of endearment for a romantic partner.
  8. Goals: Something desirable or aspirational.
  9. Savage: Fearless or ruthless behavior.
  10. Thirsty: Desperate for attention or validation.
  11. Yas: Exclamation of excitement or agreement.
  12. Turnt: Excited, energetic, or intoxicated.
  13. Selfie: A self-portrait photograph, usually taken with a smartphone.
  14. Swag: Style or confidence.
  15. On fleek: On point or flawless.
  16. Chill: Relaxed or easy-going.
  17. Hangry: Irritable due to hunger.
  18. Woke: Aware of social issues.
  19. Mood: Relatable feeling or emotion.
  20. AF: As F**k; intensifier for emphasis.


Gen Z Vocabulary

  1. Yeet: Expression of excitement or throwing something forcefully.
  2. Flex: Show off or boast about something.
  3. Glow up: Transformation or improvement in appearance or success.
  4. Salty: Bitter or resentful.
  5. Spill the tea: Share gossip or juicy information.
  6. Simp: Someone who overly praises or does too much for someone they're attracted to.
  7. Clout: Influence or popularity.
  8. Woke: Aware of social issues and injustices.
  9. Vibe: Atmosphere or feeling.
  10. Bet: Agreement or confirmation.
  11. Gucci: Good or cool.
  12. Cap: To lie or exaggerate.
  13. FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out; anxiety about not being included in an event or activity.
  14. Savage: Fearless or ruthless behavior.
  15. Slay: To do something exceptionally well.



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