The Ultimate List of 500+ Idioms

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024

The Ultimate List of Idioms

Love-related idioms

Head over heels in love
Love is blind
Love at first sight
Wear one's heart on one's sleeve
Love makes the world go round
Love triangle
Cupid's arrow
Love's young dream
Tie the knot
Love is a battlefield
To have a crush on someone
To be swept off one's feet
Love is in the air
To be smitten with someone
To steal someone's heart
To pop the question
To be head over heels for someone
Love conquers all


Concentration-Related Idioms (C1-C2)

  1. To have one's nose to the grindstone: To work hard and concentrate on a task without distractions.
  2. To be all ears: To listen attentively and with full concentration.
  3. To put one's mind to something: To concentrate or focus one's attention and effort on a task or goal.
  4. To have one's head in the clouds: To be distracted or not paying attention.
  5. To keep one's eye on the ball: To remain focused and attentive to the task at hand.
  6. To be in the zone: To be fully concentrated and performing at one's best.
  7. To be in the groove: To be focused and performing well, especially in creative endeavors.
  8. To give something one's undivided attention: To concentrate fully on something without being distracted.
  9. To have one's wits about oneself: To be alert and able to concentrate on the task at hand.
  10. To be laser-focused: To be extremely concentrated and focused, as if using a laser beam.
  11. To have one's mind like a steel trap: To have a sharp and focused mind, capable of retaining information.
  12. To have tunnel vision: To be overly focused on one thing, often to the detriment of other important considerations.
  13. To have a one-track mind: To be excessively focused on one particular thing or idea.
  14. To be absorbed in something: To be deeply focused and engrossed in a task or activity.
  15. To have a sharp mind: To be able to concentrate and think quickly and effectively.
  16. To be lost in thought: To be deeply focused on one's own thoughts, often to the exclusion of external stimuli.
  17. To concentrate like a laser: To focus intensely and with precision on a specific task or objective.
  18. To have razor-sharp focus: To be extremely concentrated and attentive, with a high level of clarity and precision.
  19. To be single-minded: To be entirely focused on one goal or objective, often to the exclusion of all else.
  20. To have one's attention riveted: To be completely captivated and focused on something.

Vocabulary in Context

Throughout my college years, I've always been known as the studious type. I've always had my nose to the grindstone, spending countless hours buried in textbooks and lecture notes. My dream? To graduate with top honors and secure my place in the competitive world of tech.

There have been times when the workload felt overwhelming, and the stress threatened to consume me. But I knew I had to put my mind to my studies and give it my all. Distractions were aplenty - invitations to social events, tempting me to stray from my path. But I had to keep my eye on the ball and stay focused on my goals.

As midterms approached, I found myself in the zone. Hours in the library flew by as I immersed myself in my studies. The hard work paid off when I aced my exams, reaffirming my belief that dedication yields success.

Yet, challenges persisted. A daunting project loomed ahead, and I felt lost in thought trying to devise a winning strategy. But I knew I had to have my wits about myself and push through.

With determination fueling me, I delved into the project, becoming absorbed in every detail. I had to have tunnel vision if I wanted to succeed. And succeed I did, pouring my heart and soul into the project, never losing sight of my goals.

As the deadline approached, I worked tirelessly, having my mind like a steel trap, retaining every piece of information I needed. With razor-sharp focus, I polished my work and submitted it with confidence.

When the results came in, my efforts had paid off. Top marks on the project, praise from my professor - it was validation for all the hard work I'd put in. With a one-track mind set on success, I continued to excel academically, eventually graduating with honors.

As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey. The late nights, the moments of doubt - they had all led me here. With resilience and laser-focused determination, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



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