Expressive Happiness in English (B1-C1)

b1 english b2 english c1 english Feb 27, 2024
  1. On cloud nine: Winning the championship put him on cloud nine.
  2. Over the moon: She was over the moon when she got accepted into her dream college.
  3. Walking on air: After receiving the promotion, she felt like she was walking on air.
  4. In seventh heaven: He's been in seventh heaven since he found out he's going to be a father.
  5. Bursting with joy: The couple was bursting with joy on their wedding day.
  6. Tickled pink: She was tickled pink when she received flowers from her secret admirer.
  7. Jumping for joy: The children were jumping for joy when they heard about the snow day.
  8. On top of the world: Graduating top of her class made her feel on top of the world.
  9. Happy as a clam: Sitting by the beach with a book makes me happy as a clam.
  10. Grinning from ear to ear: Seeing his favorite band perform live had him grinning from ear to ear.
  11. Having a whale of a time: We had a whale of a time at the theme park yesterday.
  12. In high spirits: Despite the rain, they were in high spirits during the picnic.
  13. Beaming with happiness: She was beaming with happiness as she walked down the aisle.
  14. Delighted beyond words: He was delighted beyond words when he received the scholarship.
  15. Ecstatically happy: Winning the lottery left her ecstatically happy.
  16. Radiant with joy: The bride looked radiant with joy on her wedding day.
  17. Gleeful laughter: The children's gleeful laughter filled the playground.
  18. Dancing with joy: She couldn't help but start dancing with joy when she heard the good news.
  19. Brimming with delight: The room was brimming with delight as they celebrated the success.
  20. Bubbling with excitement: The students were bubbling with excitement before the school trip.
  21. Feeling like a million bucks: After a day at the spa, she felt like a million bucks.
  22. Full of the joys of spring: Despite the cold weather, he was full of the joys of spring.
  23. Exuberantly happy: They were exuberantly happy when they found their lost dog.
  24. Joyful exultation: Their joyful exultation could be heard throughout the neighborhood.
  25. Wrapped up in happiness: Surrounded by loved ones, she felt wrapped up in happiness.
  26. Blissfully content: Watching the sunset together, they felt blissfully content.
  27. Thrilled to bits: She was thrilled to bits with the surprise birthday party.
  28. Smiling from ear to ear: He couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear after the good news.
  29. Overjoyed with delight: They were overjoyed with delight when they saw the baby's first steps.
  30. Pure joy: Watching the children play brought her pure joy.
  31. Beaming with pride: She was beaming with pride as she watched her son graduate.
  32. Blissful state: Relaxing on the beach, she entered a blissful state.
  33. Chuffed to bits: He was chuffed to bits with the positive feedback on his work.
  34. On a high: Winning the match put the team on a high for the rest of the week.
  35. Floating on air: They felt like they were floating on air after the successful presentation.
  36. Giddy with happiness: She was giddy with happiness when he proposed.
  37. Bursting at the seams with joy: The room was bursting at the seams with joy during the celebration.
  38. In a state of euphoria: After finishing the marathon, he was in a state of euphoria.
  39. Grinning like a Cheshire cat: He couldn't stop grinning like a Cheshire cat after receiving the good news.
  40. Happy camper: Despite the rain, he was a happy camper at the music festival.
  41. Pleased as punch: He was pleased as punch with his new car.
  42. In a jubilant mood: The team was in a jubilant mood after winning the championship.
  43. Feeling on top of the world: She was feeling on top of the world after the successful business deal.
  44. Having a blast: They were having a blast at the party last night.
  45. Heartfelt happiness: Seeing his family after a long time apart brought him heartfelt happiness.

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