Common Pronunciation "Errors" in English

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024

Common Pronunciation "Errors" in English

Vowel Sounds:

  1. "Sheep" pronounced as "ship."
  2. "Sheet" pronounced as "shit."
  3. "Seat" pronounced as "sit."
  4. "Beach" pronounced as "bitch."
  5. "Pin" pronounced as "pen."
  6. "Bet" pronounced as "bat."
  7. "Cat" pronounced as "cot."
  8. "Cup" pronounced as "cap."
  9. "But" pronounced as "bat."
  10. "Cut" pronounced as "cat."

Consonant Sounds:

  1. "Thank" pronounced as "tang."
  2. "Three" pronounced as "free."
  3. "Think" pronounced as "fink."
  4. "This" pronounced as "dis."
  5. "Through" pronounced as "thru."
  6. "Clothes" pronounced as "close."
  7. "World" pronounced as "whirled."
  8. "Strength" pronounced as "strenth."
  9. "Month" pronounced as "munth."
  10. "Chaos" pronounced as "chay-os."

Word Stress:

  1. "Record" pronounced with stress on the second syllable ("re-CORD").
  2. "Address" pronounced with stress on the first syllable ("AD-dress").
  3. "Object" pronounced with stress on the first syllable ("OB-ject").
  4. "Produce" pronounced with stress on the first syllable ("PRO-duce").
  5. "Present" pronounced with stress on the second syllable ("pre-SENT").

Word Endings:

  1. "Walked" pronounced without the final "d" sound ("walk").
  2. "Asked" pronounced without the final "k" sound ("ask").
  3. "Started" pronounced without the final "d" sound ("start").
  4. "Passed" pronounced without the final "d" sound ("pass").
  5. "Helped" pronounced without the final "d" sound ("help").

Silent Letters:

  1. "Debt" pronounced with the "b" sound ("debt").
  2. "Comb" pronounced with the "b" sound ("comb").
  3. "Knight" pronounced with the "k" sound ("night").
  4. "Honest" pronounced with the "h" sound ("honest").
  5. "Subtle" pronounced with the "b" sound ("subtle").

Syllable Reduction:

  1. "Probably" pronounced as "prolly."
  2. "Library" pronounced as "libary."
  3. "Comfortable" pronounced as "cumftable."
  4. "Different" pronounced as "diffrent."
  5. "Chocolate" pronounced as "choclit."

Linking Sounds:

  1. "I am" pronounced as "I'm."
  2. "Could have" pronounced as "could've."
  3. "He will" pronounced as "he'll."
  4. "They are" pronounced as "they're."
  5. "Did not" pronounced as "didn't."


  1. Rising intonation at the end of statements, making them sound like questions.
  2. Falling intonation at the end of questions, making them sound like statements.
  3. Overuse of rising intonation for emphasis.
  4. Monotone speech without variation in pitch.
  5. Incorrect stress in compound words (e.g., "ice cream" pronounced as "ice CREAM").

Word Linking:

  1. "I want to" pronounced as "I wanna."
  2. "Going to" pronounced as "gonna."
  3. "What are you" pronounced as "Whatcha."
  4. "Would have" pronounced as "would've."
  5. "Don't know" pronounced as "dunno."

Consonant Clusters:

  1. Difficulty pronouncing words with clusters of consonants, such as "strengths" or "twelfth."
  2. Dropping consonant sounds in clusters, such as "Wednesday" pronounced as "Wensday."


  1. Pronouncing "th" as "d" or "t," such as "the" pronounced as "duh" or "dat."
  2. Pronouncing "th" as "s" or "z," such as "this" pronounced as "sis" or "zis."


  1. Difficulty pronouncing the "r" sound, resulting in a substitution or omission.
  2. Pronouncing "r" too heavily or rolling it excessively.
  3. Adding an "r" sound where it shouldn't be, such as "idea" pronounced as "idear."


  1. Difficulty pronouncing the "l" sound, resulting in a substitution or omission.
  2. Pronouncing "l" too lightly or not fully, resulting in a "w" sound.


  1. Difficulty distinguishing between "s" and "sh" sounds, such as "sea" and "she."
  2. Difficulty pronouncing the "s" sound at the end of words, such as "cats" pronounced as "catz."


  1. Pronouncing "z" as "s," such as "zoo" pronounced as "soo."


  1. Difficulty pronouncing the "w" sound, resulting in a substitution or omission.


  1. Pronouncing "v" as "b," such as "very" pronounced as "berry."


  1. Pronouncing "f" as "p," such as "find" pronounced as "pind."


  1. Pronouncing "p" as "b," such as "spin" pronounced as "sbin."


  1. Pronouncing "t" as "d," such as "water" pronounced as "wader."


  1. Pronouncing "n" as "ng," such as "think" pronounced as "thingk."


  1. Difficulty pronouncing the "y" sound at the beginning of words, such as "yellow."
  2. Pronouncing "y" as "j," such as "yes" pronounced as "jes."


  1. Omitting the "h" sound in words, such as "hat" pronounced as "at."

Vowel Length:

  1. Pronouncing short vowels as long vowels, and vice versa.


  1. Mispronouncing unstressed syllables with the incorrect schwa sound.

Word Stress:

  1. Incorrectly stressing syllables in words, such as "photograph" pronounced as "PHO-to-graph."
  2. Adding stress to the wrong syllable in multi-syllable words, such as "banana" pronounced as "baNAna."

Rhythm and Intonation:

  1. Incorrectly emphasizing words or syllables, disrupting the natural flow of speech.
  2. Using monoton

ous intonation, without variation in pitch or rhythm. 83. Incorrectly rising or falling intonation patterns, leading to confusion in meaning.

  1. Overuse of rising intonation at the end of sentences, making statements sound like questions.
  2. Incorrect placement of stress in compound words or phrases, affecting clarity and meaning.

Stress Patterns:

  1. Misplacing stress in compound nouns, such as "BLACKbird" instead of "blackBIRD."
  2. Misplacing stress in compound adjectives, such as "hotEL room" instead of "HOTel room."
  3. Misplacing stress in compound verbs, such as "pick UP" instead of "PICK up."

Linking and Connected Speech:

  1. Failure to link words together smoothly, resulting in choppy speech.
  2. Failure to pronounce weak forms of words, such as reducing "to" to "tə" in connected speech.
  3. Failure to use contractions and reductions appropriately, affecting naturalness and fluency.
  4. Overpronouncing word boundaries, such as pronouncing each word separately instead of linking them together.

Word Endings:

  1. Omitting final consonant sounds in words, such as "wash" pronounced as "wa."
  2. Pronouncing final consonant sounds as the wrong consonant, such as "desk" pronounced as "des."
  3. Adding extra syllables or sounds to the end of words, such as "better" pronounced as "betterer."

Word Beginnings:

  1. Difficulty pronouncing initial consonant clusters, such as "sp" or "str."
  2. Pronouncing initial consonant clusters as separate sounds, such as "play" pronounced as "puh-lay."
  3. Difficulty pronouncing initial consonants, such as omitting the "s" in "school."


  1. Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or combinations of sounds unique to English, such as the "th" sound or the "ng" sound.
  2. Pronouncing words based on spelling rather than phonetic rules, resulting in mispronunciations.

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