B1-Level General English Speaking Activities

b1 english Feb 27, 2024

B1-Level General English Speaking Activities

Lesson #1: Story-Telling

Outcome: I can ask questions based on a story.

Instructions: Based on the following story, think of five questions to ask Maya about their experience learning English abroad. The questions could be anything related to their experience. The point of this exercise if for you to practice forming questions correctly and using appropriate intonation.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 

In the bustling city of London, amidst the vibrant streets and historic landmarks, there lived a young woman named Maya. Hailing from a small town in Brazil, Maya harbored dreams of exploring the world and immersing herself in new cultures. With a sense of adventure burning within her, she embarked on a journey to learn English abroad, seeking to broaden her horizons and pursue her passion for language.

Arriving in London, Maya found herself enchanted by the city's rich tapestry of diversity and opportunity. Eager to dive headfirst into her language studies, she enrolled in an intensive English language program, where she met fellow students from all corners of the globe. Together, they navigated the intricacies of grammar and vocabulary, each day bringing new challenges and discoveries.

As Maya wandered the streets of London, she found herself surrounded by a symphony of accents and dialects, each one adding to the vibrant mosaic of the city. From the bustling markets of Camden to the tranquil parks of Hyde Park, she embraced every opportunity to practice her newfound language skills, engaging in conversations with locals and fellow travelers alike.

Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, Maya encountered moments of doubt and frustration. The English language, with its myriad rules and exceptions, posed a formidable challenge, testing her perseverance and determination. But with each setback came a renewed sense of resolve, fueled by her unwavering desire to succeed.

As the weeks turned into months, Maya's proficiency in English blossomed, her vocabulary expanding and her confidence soaring. She found herself seamlessly navigating conversations, exchanging stories and laughter with newfound friends from around the world. With each passing day, she felt more at home in the bustling metropolis, her fears of language barriers fading into the background.

But perhaps the greatest lesson Maya learned during her time abroad was not just the intricacies of grammar or pronunciation, but the power of language to transcend borders and unite people from all walks of life. In the melting pot of London, she discovered a world of endless possibilities, where differences were celebrated and shared experiences forged bonds that knew no bounds.

And so, as Maya bid farewell to the city that had become her home away from home, she carried with her not only a newfound fluency in English but a treasure trove of memories and friendships that would last a lifetime. For in the journey of learning a language abroad, she had discovered not only the beauty of words but the beauty of the human connection that binds us all. 



Lesson #2: Finances

Outcome: I can explain the recent activity of a stock.

Instructions: Choose one stock from Yahoo finance. Explain the past year's activity. Remember, knowledge of the stock market is not necessary here. This activity will test your ability to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to describe the movement of charts which reflect data.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 



Lesson #3: Fashion

Outcome: I can politely reject a salesperson.

Instructions: Read through the following offers from a salesperson. For each one, practice politely rejecting the offer. 

  1. "Welcome to our store! Can I assist you in finding something specific today?"
  2. "Our latest collection just arrived, featuring trendy designs perfect for any occasion."
  3. "Looking for a particular style? Let me show you our range of options, from casual to formal wear."
  4. "We have a special promotion running today! Buy one item, get the second at half price."
  5. "Have you seen our new arrivals? I'm sure you'll find something that catches your eye."
  6. "Need help with sizing or color options? I'm here to make sure you find the perfect fit."
  7. "Would you like to sign up for our loyalty program? You'll earn points with every purchase!"
  8. "Our accessories section is filled with must-have items to complement your outfit."
  9. "Looking for a gift? Our selection of gift sets and personalized items is sure to impress."
  10. "Don't forget to check out our clearance section for unbeatable deals on select items!"

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository.  



Lesson #4: Superstitions and Folklore

Outcome: I can tell personal anecdotes related to fortune and misfortune.

Instructions: Tell a story about one time you have been lucky and another story about one time you have been unlucky. Each story should be 1-2 minutes in length. Try to use proverbs in your stories.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 



Lesson #5: Business

Outcome: I can simulate a job interview for a dream job.

Instructions: Think of your dream job. Respond to five the following ten questions.

  1. "Can you tell me about yourself?"
  2. "What interests you about this position?"
  3. "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
  4. "Can you provide an example of a challenging situation you've faced at work and how you resolved it?"
  5. "How do you handle pressure or tight deadlines?"
  6. "What do you know about our company?"
  7. "Where do you see yourself in five years?"
  8. "Why are you leaving your current job?"
  9. "What relevant experience or skills do you bring to this role?"
  10. "How do you handle conflict or disagreements in the workplace?"

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 



Lesson #6: Canada

Outcome: I can respond to second conditional questions.

Instructions: Respond to three of the following ten questions.

  1. If you could visit any Canadian city, which one would you choose and why?
  2. What would you do if you were to spend a month exploring the Canadian Rockies?
  3. If you had the opportunity to work in Canada for a year, what type of job would you pursue?
  4. What would you pack if you were planning a winter trip to experience the Northern Lights in Canada?
  5. If you could attend a major event in Canada, such as the Calgary Stampede or the Toronto International Film Festival, which would you choose and why?
  6. What would you do if you stumbled upon a bear while hiking in a Canadian national park?
  7. If you were to live in Canada, which province or territory would you choose to reside in, and what factors would influence your decision?
  8. What would you do if you were invited to a traditional Indigenous ceremony while visiting Canada?
  9. If you were planning a summer road trip across Canada, what landmarks or attractions would be on your must-see list?
  10. If you had the chance to participate in a winter sport in Canada, such as skiing or ice hockey, which would you choose to try and why?

 Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 



Lesson #7: Success and Failure

Outcome: I can give a loved one a lecture on how to be successful in a course.

Instructions: Think of a family member or close friend who is or who plans to enrol in a postsecondary program. Give them a series of tips on how to do well in their program. Think about tips and advice related to time management, procrastination and more

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 



Lesson #8: Volunteering

Outcome: I can pretend to try to convince a friend to volunteer in a charity event.

Instructions: Find an upcoming charity event in your community. Imagine you are volunteering at the event and wish for a friend or family member to volunteer as well. Record a 2-minute voice recording in which you explain the event and try to convince the friend or family member to volunteer as well.

 Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository.  


Lesson #9: Technology

Outcome: I can role-play selling a cellphone as a salesperson.

Instructions: Choose a phone that you like from this Google search. Then, create a 1-minute recording in which you state 4-5 reasons why someone should buy it. You can either pretend to be a salesperson at an electronics store / kiosk, or you can pretend to be talking to a family member or friend.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #10: Making Decisions

Outcome: I can read hypothetical work scenario questions and respond to them.

Instructions: Respond to 3 of the following 10 hypothetical work scenarios with 1-2-minute recordings.

  1. "You're part of a marketing team launching a new product, and one team member consistently misses deadlines for their assigned tasks, causing delays in the project timeline. How would you address this issue while maintaining project momentum and team morale?"
  2. "You're a project manager overseeing a construction project, and you receive conflicting instructions from the client and the engineering team regarding project specifications. How would you reconcile these conflicting priorities and ensure the project stays on track?"
  3. "As a customer service representative, you receive a call from a long-time customer who is unhappy with a recent purchase due to a defect in the product. How would you handle the customer's complaint and work towards resolving the issue to their satisfaction?"
  4. "You're a team leader implementing a new software system for your department, and some team members are resistant to change, preferring to stick with the old system. How would you address their concerns and ensure a smooth transition to the new system?"
  5. "You're leading a project team meeting to discuss a new marketing strategy, and several team members express doubts about the proposed approach, citing concerns about its effectiveness. How would you address their concerns and foster consensus among the team?"
  6. "You're working on a software development project, and after the initial testing phase, it becomes clear that the chosen technology stack is not scalable enough to meet the project's requirements. How would you adapt the project plan and technology approach to ensure successful delivery?"
  7. "You're part of a sales team working on a high-stakes client pitch, and one team member consistently underperforms during client presentations, jeopardizing the team's chances of winning the contract. How would you address the issue with the underperforming team member while maintaining team cohesion?"
  8. "As a financial analyst, you're tasked with preparing a comprehensive budget proposal for a new project, but you're given a strict budget constraint and limited resources to work with. How would you approach the budgeting process to ensure the project's success within these constraints?"
  9. "You're a manager faced with a decision to either invest in a new technology that promises long-term cost savings but requires a significant upfront investment or stick with the current technology that is more cost-effective in the short term. How would you analyze the situation and make the best decision for the company?"
  10. "You're part of a cross-functional team working on a product launch, and team members are located in different time zones, making coordination and communication challenging. How would you ensure effective collaboration and communication among team members to meet project deadlines?"

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository.  


Lesson #11: Probability

Outcome: I can look at a series of pictures and predict what had happened immediately after the picture was taken.

Instructions: Look at the pictures in this link. Choose 5 photos and make predictions for what happened right after each picture was taken.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #12: Local Services

Outcome: I can roleplay registering for a social service at a local office.

Instructions: Look up a social service in your community that interests you. This could be a program at a recreation centre, for instance. Make a 2-minute voice message in which you express your interest in the program and ask questions about it. 

 Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #13: Culture and Civilization

Outcome: I can give a presentation on the history of my home country.

Instructions: Give a summary of the past 100 years of your country's history. You may focus on five to six key events or describe social/economic/political general trends. 

 Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #14: UK vs. US English

Outcome: I can explain some lexical differences between UK and US English as found in texts. 

Instructions: Discuss three main differences between UK and US English. You may use the following texts to generate ideas if you wish. 

UK English: 

Once upon a time, in a picturesque village nestled in the rolling hills of the English countryside, there lived a young girl named Emily. Emily was known for her love of nature and the vibrant colours that adorned the landscape surrounding her home.

One crisp autumn morning, Emily decided to take a stroll to the centre of the village, where the local shops and market stalls were bustling with activity. As she walked along the cobblestone streets, she admired the rich hues of red, orange, and gold that painted the leaves of the trees.

On her way, Emily stopped to chat with her neighbour, Mr. Johnson, who was busy ploughing his fields in preparation for the winter ahead. They exchanged pleasantries and discussed the upcoming village fête, which was to be held at the community centre.

Arriving at the village centre, Emily's favourite spot was the quaint little theatre where she had spent many evenings watching plays and performances. She admired the elegant architecture of the building, with its arched windows and ornate decorations.

After her visit to the theatre, Emily stopped by the local bakery to pick up a loaf of freshly baked bread. As she reached into her bag to pay, she realised she had forgotten her chequebook at home. Luckily, the kind baker allowed her to pay later, promising to add the cost to her tab.

As Emily made her way back home, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. The familiar sights and sounds of the village filled her with a deep sense of belonging, and she knew that she was truly honoured to call this place her home.

Upon returning home, Emily decided to spend the rest of the day in her garden, surrounded by the beauty of nature. She admired the shimmering hues of green in the leaves of the trees and the delicate shades of pink and purple in the flowers that bloomed around her.

As the sun set on another day in the village, Emily reflected on the simple pleasures of life and felt grateful for the sense of community and warmth that surrounded her. And as she drifted off to sleep that night, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

US English

Once upon a time, in the heart of a bustling city, there was a young woman named Sarah. Sarah lived in a charming apartment in the center of town, just a few blocks away from her favorite coffee shop and the local theater where she often enjoyed watching plays and musicals.

One day, as Sarah was walking home from work, she bumped into her neighbor, Mr. Thompson, who was out plowing his driveway. They exchanged greetings and chatted about the upcoming neighborhood block party, which Sarah had volunteered to help organize.

After parting ways with Mr. Thompson, Sarah stopped by the bank to deposit a cheque she had received as payment for a freelance project. As she waited in line, she glanced at her chequebook and realized that she was running low on checks. She made a mental note to order more when she got home.

Later that evening, Sarah attended a meeting at the community center to discuss the defense strategy for the upcoming block party. She listened intently as the neighborhood watch captain analyzed the potential risks and outlined a plan to ensure the safety of all attendees.

The next day, Sarah spent the afternoon analyzing data for her job at a local tech company. She worked with a team of engineers to develop a new program for analyzing financial data, using advanced algorithms to detect patterns and trends.

As the sun began to set, Sarah headed to the harbor to meet her friends for a sunset cruise on the river. They spent the evening sailing past shimmering waters and watching the sky turn shades of pink and gray as the sun dipped below the horizon.

As Sarah sat on the deck of the boat, surrounded by friends and laughter, she couldn't help but feel a sense of honor to be part of such a close-knit community. And as she looked out at the twinkling lights of the city, she realized that sometimes, the most important moments in life are the ones spent with those we love.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #15: Festivals

Outcome: I can role-play meeting one’s favorite celebrity.

Instructions: Imagine that you are meeting your favorite celebrity. Write a 20-line dialogue between you and the celebrity. This could include possible questions and answers or just a simple conversation between the two of you.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #16: Gardening

Outcome: I can explain the process of planting vegetables to someone.

Instructions: Think of a vegetable that you like. Research and then explain the steps included in planting and growing this vegetable. The recording should be at least two minutes long.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #17: Compliments

Outcome: I can practice giving compliments to other students based on the work that they have submitted.

Instructions: Choose one of these essays submitted by real IELTS students. Give three or more comments on the strengths of the text and three or more comments on how the writing can be improved.

Your knowledge of the IELTS exam is not necessary. You simply need to prove your understanding of standard English and your ability to give feedback.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #18: Injuries

Outcome: I can role-play calming someone down. 

Instructions: Choose one of the following four texts of a person stressing out. Make a recording in which you pretend to calm down and reassure the worried person.

  1. I woke up this morning with a sinking feeling in my stomach, and now I know why - I completely forgot about the deadline for that project! My heart is racing, and I can feel the panic rising in my chest like a tidal wave. How could I have let this slip through the cracks? My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, racing a mile a minute as I try to come up with a plan to salvage the situation. I wish I could turn back time and start over, but I know that's not an option. Instead, I need to focus all my energy on getting this project done, even if it means pulling an all-nighter. The pressure is on, and I can't afford to mess this up.

  2. My boss just dropped a bombshell on me - we have a major presentation with a client tomorrow, and I haven't even started preparing for it! I can feel the stress coursing through my veins like electricity, sending shivers down my spine. My mind is racing a mile a minute as I try to wrap my head around what needs to be done. I'm frantically scribbling notes and trying to gather my thoughts, but it feels like my brain is on overload. How am I going to pull this off? The pressure is mounting with every passing second, and I can't shake the feeling of impending doom. I need to channel this stress into productivity and come up with a game plan fast, or else it's game over.

  3. It's like everything is falling apart at once. My car broke down this morning, causing me to miss an important meeting, I forgot my wallet at home, and now I'm stuck in traffic on my way to another crucial appointment. I can feel my palms sweating and my stomach churning with anxiety as I watch the minutes tick by on the dashboard clock. Every time I try to calm down, something else goes wrong, sending me spiraling further into despair. I just want to scream! The stress is eating away at me like a relentless monster, threatening to consume me whole. I need to find a way to keep it together and soldier on, but it feels like an impossible task.

  4. I thought I had everything under control, but now I'm drowning in a sea of emails, phone calls, and deadlines. I'm juggling so many tasks at once that I can't even think straight. My heart is pounding like a drum, and my head is spinning with all the things I need to do. I wish I could just press pause and take a moment to catch my breath, but there's no time for that. I need to keep pushing forward, no matter how overwhelmed I feel. The weight of responsibility bears down on me like a ton of bricks, threatening to crush me under its immense pressure. But I refuse to let it defeat me. I'll take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and tackle each task one at a time until I emerge victorious.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #19: Happiness

Outcome: I can express delight based on a piece of recent news.

Instructions: Go to Good News Network and choose a piece of news which makes you happy. Summarize it and explain why it makes you happy in a two-minute recording.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #20: Love

Outcome: I can engage in small talk, compliment the person and/or respond to a compliment. 

Instructions: Imagine that you are meeting a famous person or historical figure that you admire. Make a recording in which you give them five compliments. Use this guide to help you.

 Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #21: Time Travel

Outcome: I can role-play meeting someone from the past and asking them questions.

Instructions: Think about a historical figure from your country such as a national hero. Imagine that you are meeting them. Create a ten-line dialogue where you are interacting with them.  

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #22: Parties

Outcome: I can invite a friend to a party. 

Instructions: Choose from this list of celebrations one that you would like to attend. Then, imagine that you are attending the celebration and would like a friend or family member to attend as well.

Record a two-minute recording in which you invite the person to this celebration. Be sure to mention reasons why they should attend the event.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #23: Seasons

Outcome: I can explain the pros and cons of each season. 

Instructions: Make a recording in which you give an overview of seasons in your geographical region. Then, identify three pros and two cons of each season.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #24: Cultural Walls

Outcome: I can pretend to be a tour guide; present a famous wall in my own country.

Instructions: Think of an important wall in your country or town. This could have cultural, artistic, political or historical significance. Make a recording in which you describe the wall. 

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


Lesson #25: Multiculturalism

Outcome: I can describe culture shock experiences to a loved one.

Instructions: Think of two or three times you have experience culture shock. Then, make a recording in which your explain these experiences in detail.

Upload your response as a recording to your voice or video repository. 


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