An Overview of Determiners in English (A2-B1)

Feb 27, 2024

An Overview of Determiners in English

What are Determiners?

Determiners are a type of word used in English grammar to introduce or specify nouns. They typically come before a noun and help to clarify which noun is being referred to or provide additional information about it. Determiners can indicate various aspects such as definiteness, quantity, possession, and specificity. Determiners are an essential part of constructing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences in English.

Examples of Determiners

  1. Articles:

    • Definite Article: "the" (refers to a specific noun)
    • Indefinite Articles: "a" and "an" (refer to a non-specific noun)
  2. Demonstratives:

    • "this," "that," "these," "those" (indicate proximity or distance of the noun)
  3. Quantifiers:

    • Cardinal Numbers: "one," "two," "three," etc. (indicate quantity)
    • Ordinal Numbers: "first," "second," "third," etc. (indicate order)
    • Distributive: "each," "every," "either," "neither" (refer to individual members of a group)
    • Quantitative: "some," "any," "many," "few," "several," "much," "most," "more," "less," etc. (indicate amount or quantity)
    • Numerical: "one," "two," "three," etc. (specify exact or approximate number)
  4. Possessives:

    • "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," "their," "whose" (indicate possession or ownership)
  5. Interrogatives:

    • "which," "what," "whose" (ask questions about nouns)
  6. Relative Determiners:

    • "whose," "which," "that," "whichever," "whatever" (introduce relative clauses modifying a noun)
  7. Articles:

    • Definite Article: "the" (refers to a specific noun)
    • Indefinite Articles: "a" and "an" (refer to a non-specific noun)
  8. Exclamatory Determiners:

    • "what" (used in exclamatory sentences)


Comprehension Check: Using Determiners

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate determiner from the word bank provided.

Word Bank: this, that, these, those, my, your, our, their, some, any, all, each, every, several, few, many


  1. ___ bank offers competitive interest rates on savings accounts.

  2. I need to discuss ___ investment portfolio with a financial advisor.

  3. Have you received ___ tax refund yet?

  4. ___ credit score can impact your ability to get a loan.

  5. Can you lend me ___ money until payday?

  6. ___ expenses are increasing every month.

  7. I'm not sure which investment option is best for ___ situation.

  8. We should review ___ monthly budget to see where we can save money.

  9. ___ stocks have performed well over the past year.

  10. It's important to set ___ financial goals for the future.

  11. ___ bills are due at the end of the month.

  12. Have you saved ___ money for emergencies?

  13. I have ___ credit cards, but I only use one regularly.

  14. ___ of my coworkers are planning to invest in the stock market.

  15. Do you have ___ spare change for parking?

Ready to See the Answers?

  1. This
  2. My
  3. Your
  4. Your
  5. Me
  6. Our
  7. Your
  8. Our
  9. Some
  10. Your
  11. Our
  12. Some
  13. Several
  14. Some
  15. Any

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