A Guide to Using Gerunds and Infinitives (B2-C1)

b2 english c1 english Feb 15, 2024

A Guide to Using Gerunds and Infinitives

What are gerunds?

Gerunds are verb forms that function as nouns in a sentence. They are formed by adding "-ing" to the base form of a verb. Gerunds can serve various functions in a sentence, such as subjects, objects, or complements.

What are infinitives?

Infinitives are the base form of a verb preceded by the word "to." They can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs in a sentence.

Uses of Gerunds

  1. Form: Gerunds are created by adding "-ing" to the base form of a verb. For example:

    • Base form: "work"
    • Gerund: "working"
  2. Function as Nouns: Gerunds function as nouns, which means they can act as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence.

    • Subject: "Reading is my favorite hobby."
    • Object: "She enjoys swimming."
    • Complement: "Her favorite activity is dancing."
  3. Used After Prepositions: Gerunds are often used after prepositions to indicate the action of the verb.

    • Example: "He is good at singing."
    • Example: "She is interested in painting."
  4. Subject of the Verb: When a gerund is used as the subject of a verb, it performs the action of the verb.

    • Example: "Running is great exercise."
    • Example: "Cooking takes time and practice."
  5. Object of the Verb: When a gerund is used as the object of a verb, it receives the action of the verb.

    • Example: "She enjoys reading books."
    • Example: "They avoid making mistakes."
  6. After Certain Verbs: Some verbs are followed by gerunds. These verbs indicate actions or activities.

    • Example: "I love swimming in the ocean."
    • Example: "They considered quitting their jobs."
  7. No Subjects in Gerunds: Gerunds do not have subjects. They are treated as single nouns.

    • Example: "Walking in the park is relaxing."

Uses of Infinitives

  1. Form: Infinitives are formed by using the base form of a verb preceded by "to." For example:

    • Base form: "eat"
    • Infinitive: "to eat"
  2. Function as Nouns: Infinitives can function as nouns, serving as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence.

    • Subject: "To learn a new language is challenging."
    • Object: "She wants to read a book."
    • Complement: "Her goal is to succeed."
  3. Function as Adjectives: Infinitives can function as adjectives, modifying nouns in a sentence.

    • Example: "She has books to read."
    • Example: "He needs a place to stay."
  4. Function as Adverbs: Infinitives can function as adverbs, modifying verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.

    • Modifying a verb: "She went to the store to buy groceries."
    • Modifying an adjective: "He is too tired to work."
    • Modifying an adverb: "She ran fast to catch the bus."
  5. Purpose or Intention: Infinitives are often used to express purpose, intention, or reason.

    • Example: "He studied hard to pass the exam."
    • Example: "She woke up early to catch the train."
  6. After Certain Verbs: Some verbs are followed directly by infinitives. These verbs indicate purpose, intention, ability, obligation, or permission.

    • Example (Purpose): "She wants to travel the world."
    • Example (Obligation): "I have to finish my homework."
    • Example (Ability): "He can swim."
  7. Bare Infinitive: In some cases, the base form of a verb (bare infinitive) is used without "to."

    • Example: "Let me go."
  8. Split Infinitive: In English, infinitives can be split with an adverb.

    • Example: "He decided to quickly run."

Knowledge Check: Gerunds and Infinitives

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the appropriate gerund or infinitive form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. The architect enjoys __________ (design) innovative structures.
  2. We plan __________ (visit) the new museum downtown next weekend.
  3. She dreams of __________ (build) her own eco-friendly house someday.
  4. They discussed __________ (hire) a renowned architect for the project.
  5. I'm considering __________ (study) architecture at university.
  6. The city is famous for __________ (preserve) its historical buildings.
  7. He hopes __________ (visit) famous landmarks around the world.
  8. We need __________ (find) a skilled contractor for the renovation.
  9. She suggested __________ (take) a guided tour of the ancient ruins.
  10. They're excited about __________ (explore) the diverse architectural styles in the city.
  11. He's interested in __________ (learn) about sustainable building practices.
  12. We've started __________ (research) eco-friendly materials for our project.
  13. The students discussed __________ (visit) architectural sites during their field trip.
  14. She enjoys __________ (sketch) different architectural designs in her free time.
  15. He decided __________ (pursue) a career in urban planning.
  16. We're considering __________ (attend) an architecture conference next month.
  17. The team is committed to __________ (create) accessible spaces for all.
  18. She's passionate about __________ (promote) green building initiatives.
  19. They're excited about __________ (participate) in the city's architecture competition.
  20. I'm looking forward to __________ (explore) the city's architectural wonders.

Ready to See the Answers?


Answer Key:

  1. designing
  2. to visit
  3. building
  4. hiring
  5. studying
  6. preserving
  7. to visit
  8. to find
  9. taking
  10. exploring
  11. learning
  12. researching
  13. visiting
  14. sketching
  15. to pursue
  16. attending
  17. creating
  18. promoting
  19. participating
  20. exploring

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