20 Latin Phrases that English Speakers Use

b1 english b2 english Feb 27, 2024
  1. Et cetera (etc.) - And so forth; indicating that there are more similar things that could be mentioned.
  2. Ad hoc - Created or done for a particular purpose.
  3. Ad nauseam - To the point of nausea; repeated excessively.
  4. Per se - By itself; intrinsically.
  5. De facto - In fact; in reality.
  6. Deus ex machina - An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation.
  7. Vice versa - The other way around.
  8. Ad infinitum - To infinity; endlessly.
  9. Alma mater - Nourishing mother; the school or university attended.
  10. Bona fide - In good faith; genuine.
  11. Persona non grata - An unwelcome person.
  12. Quid pro quo - Something for something; an exchange of favors.
  13. Circa (c.) - Approximately; about.
  14. Status quo - The existing state of affairs.
  15. In situ - In its original place; in position.
  16. Habeas corpus - A legal principle that a person cannot be detained without a just cause.
  17. Ipso facto - By that very fact; as an inevitable result.
  18. Tempus fugit - Time flies.
  19. A priori - Based on theory rather than observation.
  20. Ad hominem - Directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

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