100 Vocabulary and Phrases Related to Immigration

Feb 27, 2024
  1. Emigrate
  2. Immigrate
  3. Visa
  4. Passport
  5. Citizenship
  6. Naturalization
  7. Asylum
  8. Refugee
  9. Deportation
  10. Border
  11. Border control
  12. Green card
  13. Residence permit
  14. Migrant
  15. Entry
  16. Exit
  17. Border crossing
  18. Immigration officer
  19. Immigration policy
  20. Immigration law
  21. Emigration
  22. Immigration status
  23. Border patrol
  24. Visa application
  25. Immigration quota
  26. Immigration reform
  27. Persecution
  28. Discrimination
  29. Integration
  30. Assimilation
  31. Ethnicity
  32. Nationality
  33. Multiculturalism
  34. Diversity
  35. Citizenship test
  36. Work permit
  37. Economic migrant
  38. Family reunification
  39. Permanent residency
  40. Temporary residency
  41. Immigration detention
  42. Undocumented immigrant
  43. Dreamer
  44. Sanctuary city
  45. Immigration ban
  46. Refugee camp
  47. Border wall
  48. Smuggling
  49. Human trafficking
  50. Immigration route
  51. H-1B visa
  52. Diversity visa
  53. Naturalization ceremony
  54. Immigration court
  55. Immigration detention center
  56. Visa overstays
  57. Immigration fraud
  58. Refugee resettlement
  59. Immigration bond
  60. Citizenship oath
  61. Refugee status determination
  62. Immigration consultancy
  63. Immigration officer
  64. Immigration advocate
  65. Immigration service
  66. Refugee aid
  67. Immigration paperwork
  68. Immigration backlog
  69. Immigration application
  70. Refugee crisis
  71. Immigration statistics
  72. Immigration interview
  73. Immigration attorney
  74. Immigration consultant
  75. Immigration agency
  76. Immigration process
  77. Immigration form
  78. Immigration case
  79. Immigration requirement
  80. Immigration documentation
  1. Crossing borders: Moving from one country to another, often illegally.
  2. Making a new home: Settling in a new country and establishing residence.
  3. Seeking asylum: Requesting protection and refuge in another country due to fear of persecution or danger in one's home country.
  4. A melting pot: A place where people from different cultures or backgrounds come together and blend into a unified society.
  5. Land of opportunity: A country that offers favorable conditions for success and prosperity, often attracting immigrants seeking better opportunities.
  6. Settling down: Establishing a permanent residence and adapting to a new environment.
  7. Starting afresh: Beginning anew, especially in a new country or environment.
  8. Gateway to a new life: Symbolizing the opportunity for a fresh start and better prospects in a new country.
  9. A nation of immigrants: Describing a country whose population is largely composed of immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
  10. Welcoming arms: A metaphorical expression indicating a warm and hospitable reception.
  11. Border patrol: Law enforcement officers responsible for monitoring and controlling the borders of a country.
  12. No man's land: A territory that is unoccupied or deserted, often used metaphorically to describe a place of uncertainty or danger.
  13. Foreign-born: Someone who is born in a country other than the one they currently reside in.
  14. Fleeing persecution: Escaping from mistreatment, oppression, or violence in one's home country.
  15. A path to citizenship: The process by which immigrants become legal citizens of a country.
  16. Cultural exchange: The sharing of cultural customs, traditions, and ideas between different groups or societies.
  17. Immigrant community: A group of people from various backgrounds who share the experience of migrating to a new country.
  18. Assimilating into society: Adopting the customs, language, and values of a new society and becoming integrated into it.
  19. Citizenship ceremony: An official event where immigrants take an oath and become citizens of their adopted country.
  20. Building bridges, not walls: Advocating for cooperation and unity among people from different backgrounds, rather than division or separation.

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