100+ Thesis Statements for an Argumentative Essay

writ 1001 writ 1002 Feb 08, 2024

100+ Thesis Statements

What Are Thesis Statements?

If you have taken WRIT 1001 or WRIT 1002, you will know that a thesis statement is a sentence which typically consists of the argument or position of the author along with clear, specific and distinct points to support that argument. Learn Ahead has a comprehensible formula for constructing thesis statements, but the type of thesis statement you use may depend on the task you are completing, your objectives as a writer or the expectations of your audience (eg. your college professor). 

Speaking of college, if you are a college, university or high school student, you are almost guaranteed to have to formulate a thesis statement in some way, shape or form. Whether it be orally via an engineering demonstration or biology lab, or in written form via an argumentative essay or a research paper, an argument and clear, specific and distinct supporting points will be necessary. 

Why do we write thesis statements?

Among many other reasons, they prove your ability to do the following:

  • Formulate a clear argument or main point.
  • Express complex ideas concisely and clearly.
  • Locate, evaluate, and incorporate relevant information.
  • Analyze information and identify significant aspects of a topic.
  • Organize thoughts logically and create a coherent structure.

Want a few examples? Don't worry. We got over 100. 

Government-mandated vaccination is necessary to protect public health, as it ensures herd immunity, prevents the spread of infectious diseases, and safeguards vulnerable populations.

The implementation of stricter gun control measures is imperative to reduce gun violence, prevent mass shootings, and address the high incidence of firearm-related suicides.

Social media negatively impacts mental health by fostering unrealistic body ideals, contributing to social isolation, and facilitating cyberbullying.

Online education is a viable alternative to traditional classroom learning, offering flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences.

The death penalty should be abolished globally due to ethical concerns surrounding the right to life, lack of proven deterrence, and the risk of executing innocent individuals.

Legalizing recreational marijuana can have positive economic, social, and health-related outcomes by reducing crime rates, generating revenue, and promoting responsible use.

Comprehensive sex education in schools is essential for reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, preventing sexually transmitted infections, and fostering healthy relationships.

Affirmative action in college admissions is necessary to address historical inequalities, promote diversity, and create opportunities for underrepresented minorities.

The government's surveillance programs infringe on citizens' privacy rights, raise ethical concerns, and have the potential for misuse, leading to abuse of power.

Animal testing is ethically unjustifiable as it involves unnecessary cruelty, lacks reliability in predicting human responses, and alternatives exist for scientific research.

Euthanasia should be legalized as a compassionate option for individuals facing incurable and unbearable suffering, respecting autonomy, and providing a dignified end to life.

The impact of climate change is evident through rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and the accelerated melting of polar ice caps.

The education system should prioritize teaching critical thinking skills, fostering creativity, and preparing students for real-world challenges rather than focusing solely on standardized testing.

Social media platforms should be held accountable for the spread of misinformation, ensuring transparency, fact-checking measures, and consequences for disseminating false information.

The representation of women in leadership positions is crucial for promoting diversity of thought, enhancing organizational performance, and breaking down gender stereotypes.

Cybersecurity measures should be enhanced to protect personal privacy, safeguard critical infrastructure, and ensure the resilience of digital systems against cyber threats.

The criminal justice system should prioritize rehabilitation over punishment, address systemic inequalities, and implement alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenses.

Universal healthcare is essential for ensuring equal access to medical services, improving overall public health, and reducing disparities in health outcomes.

The legalization of assisted suicide provides individuals with autonomy over their end-of-life decisions, reduces unnecessary suffering, and allows for compassionate and dignified choices.

The global community should take immediate action to address plastic pollution, implementing stricter regulations, promoting recycling initiatives, and encouraging sustainable practices.

Government intervention in regulating fast food advertising is necessary to combat rising obesity rates, protect public health, and reduce the economic burden of obesity-related healthcare costs.

The education system should prioritize teaching financial literacy, ensuring that students develop crucial skills for budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions.

The use of standardized testing in schools perpetuates inequality by favoring affluent students, promoting a narrow focus on test preparation, and overlooking alternative forms of assessment.

Mandatory voting laws should be implemented to enhance civic participation, improve representation in democratic processes, and strengthen the legitimacy of elected officials.

Nuclear energy is a viable and necessary alternative to fossil fuels, offering a low-carbon energy source, reducing dependence on finite resources, and addressing climate change.

Universal basic income (UBI) is a practical solution to address poverty, promote economic stability, and counter the potential job displacement caused by automation.

School uniforms contribute to a positive learning environment by reducing socio-economic disparities, promoting a sense of equality, and minimizing distractions related to clothing choices.

The implementation of affirmative action in hiring practices is necessary to address workplace diversity, rectify historical injustices, and foster inclusive work environments.

Autonomous vehicles should be widely adopted for their potential to reduce traffic accidents, enhance transportation efficiency, and revolutionize the future of mobility.

Genetic engineering in agriculture is essential for addressing global food security challenges, increasing crop yields, and developing crops resistant to pests and diseases.

The exploration and colonization of Mars are essential for ensuring the survival of the human species, advancing scientific knowledge, and providing a potential backup for Earth.

The government should implement stricter regulations on the advertising and marketing of junk food to children, addressing childhood obesity, promoting healthy eating habits, and protecting young consumers.

The practice of solitary confinement in prisons should be banned due to its detrimental effects on mental health, potential for human rights abuses, and lack of proven effectiveness in rehabilitation.

The implementation of strict gun control measures is crucial to reduce the prevalence of mass shootings, prevent firearm-related suicides, and enhance public safety.

Artificial intelligence poses ethical concerns related to privacy invasion, job displacement, and the potential for biased decision-making, necessitating the establishment of regulatory frameworks.

The recognition of animal rights is essential to prevent animal cruelty, promote ethical treatment, and acknowledge the sentience of non-human beings.

Free trade agreements contribute to global economic growth by expanding market opportunities, fostering international cooperation, and reducing trade barriers.

Social media platforms should be held accountable for combating online hate speech, ensuring user safety, and preventing the spread of extremist ideologies.

School curricula should include comprehensive education on climate change, promoting environmental awareness, encouraging sustainable practices, and preparing students to address environmental challenges.

The government should invest in renewable energy research and development to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, combat climate change, and promote sustainable energy sources.

Autonomous weapons should be banned due to ethical concerns surrounding their potential misuse, lack of accountability, and the risk of autonomous decision-making leading to unintended consequences.

The criminalization of drug possession for personal use should be replaced with a focus on rehabilitation, addiction treatment, and harm reduction strategies.

The use of animal testing in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries should be replaced with alternative methods to prevent animal cruelty, ensure ethical practices, and promote humane research.

The implementation of mandatory voting laws is essential for increasing political engagement, improving representation, and strengthening democratic processes.

The government should provide financial incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices, promoting environmental responsibility, and addressing climate change.

The use of body cameras by law enforcement is crucial for promoting transparency, improving accountability, and protecting both officers and the public.

Access to quality healthcare is a basic human right, and universal healthcare systems are necessary to ensure equal access, improve public health outcomes, and reduce health disparities.

The government should invest in infrastructure projects, such as high-speed rail networks, to enhance transportation efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and stimulate economic growth.

Cybersecurity measures should be strengthened to protect against cyber threats, safeguard sensitive data, and ensure the security of digital infrastructure.

The implementation of stricter regulations on the use of single-use plastics is necessary to address environmental pollution, protect marine ecosystems, and promote sustainable practices.

Social media platforms should be held accountable for protecting user privacy, preventing the spread of misinformation, and combating online harassment.

The implementation of a shorter workweek, such as a four-day workweek, can improve employee well-being, boost productivity, and contribute to a better work-life balance.

The government should invest in renewable energy infrastructure to create jobs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigate the impact of climate change.

The criminal justice system should prioritize rehabilitation over punishment, reduce recidivism rates, and address systemic inequalities.

The education system should include comprehensive sex education to reduce teenage pregnancies, prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and promote healthy relationships.

Increasing taxes on sugary beverages is a necessary measure to combat obesity, improve public health, and reduce the economic burden of obesity-related healthcare costs.

Autonomous weapons should be banned globally to prevent the escalation of warfare, minimize civilian casualties, and avoid the potential for autonomous decision-making errors.

The government should provide financial incentives for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, encouraging sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of industries.

Legalizing and regulating online gambling can generate revenue for public services, protect consumers, and create a safer and controlled gambling environment.

The implementation of stricter regulations on advertising to children is necessary to protect young consumers, promote ethical marketing practices, and reduce childhood obesity.

The government should invest in mental health initiatives to reduce stigma, improve access to mental health services, and address the growing mental health crisis.

Universal access to high-quality early childhood education is crucial for reducing educational inequalities, promoting cognitive development, and preparing children for future success.

The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture is essential for increasing crop yields, reducing pesticide use, and addressing global food security challenges.

The government should implement measures to address income inequality, such as progressive taxation, to reduce economic disparities and promote social justice.

Implementing strict regulations on the use of facial recognition technology is necessary to protect individual privacy, prevent misuse, and address concerns related to surveillance.

The government should invest in public transportation infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and improve overall urban mobility.

School curricula should include education on digital literacy, teaching students to critically evaluate online information, prevent cyberbullying, and navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

The criminalization of drug addiction should be replaced with a focus on rehabilitation, harm reduction strategies, and addressing the root causes of substance abuse.

The government should provide subsidies for electric vehicles to promote sustainable transportation, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and combat air pollution.

Increasing funding for the arts is crucial for promoting cultural enrichment, fostering creativity, and supporting the economic contributions of the creative industries.

The government should implement stricter regulations on the use of antibiotics in livestock to prevent antibiotic resistance, protect public health, and ensure food safety.

The education system should prioritize teaching coding and computer science to prepare students for the digital age, foster innovation, and address the demand for tech-related skills.

Implementing measures to reduce plastic packaging, such as banning single-use plastics, is necessary to address environmental pollution, protect marine life, and promote sustainability.

The government should invest in renewable energy research and development to advance clean energy technologies, create jobs, and transition to a more sustainable energy future.

The implementation of universal basic income (UBI) can alleviate poverty, provide economic security, and address the challenges posed by job displacement due to automation.

The criminal justice system should focus on community-based alternatives to incarceration, such as restorative justice programs, to reduce prison overcrowding, promote rehabilitation, and address the root causes of crime.

The government should implement measures to address workplace discrimination, such as affirmative action policies, to promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in the workforce.

Increasing funding for public libraries is crucial for promoting literacy, providing access to information, and fostering a sense of community.

The government should regulate the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes, addressing concerns related to bias, transparency, and accountability.

The promotion of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is necessary to combat climate change, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and create a sustainable energy future.

The government should implement stricter regulations on the meat industry to reduce environmental impact, promote animal welfare, and address health concerns related to meat consumption.

The use of body cameras by law enforcement promotes accountability, enhances transparency, and protects both officers and civilians during police interactions.

The adoption of green building standards is essential for reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainable construction practices, and improving energy efficiency in the built environment.

The implementation of universal healthcare is crucial for ensuring equal access to medical services, improving public health outcomes, and reducing the financial burden of healthcare costs on individuals.

The government should invest in renewable energy infrastructure to create jobs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Increasing the minimum wage is necessary to address income inequality, stimulate economic growth, and improve the standard of living for low-wage workers.

The implementation of stricter regulations on the use of pesticides in agriculture is essential for protecting environmental health, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring food safety.

The government should invest in mental health initiatives to reduce stigma, improve access to mental health services, and address the growing mental health crisis.

Autonomous vehicles should be widely adopted for their potential to reduce traffic accidents, enhance transportation efficiency, and revolutionize the future of mobility.

The criminal justice system should prioritize rehabilitation over punishment, reduce recidivism rates, and address systemic inequalities.

The implementation of universal basic income (UBI) can alleviate poverty, provide economic security, and address the challenges posed by job displacement due to automation.

Social media platforms should be held accountable for protecting user privacy, preventing the spread of misinformation, and combating online harassment.

The criminalization of drug possession for personal use should be replaced with a focus on rehabilitation, addiction treatment, and harm reduction strategies.

The government should provide financial incentives for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, encouraging sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of industries.

Legalizing and regulating online gambling can generate revenue for public services, protect consumers, and create a safer and controlled gambling environment.

The government should invest in renewable energy research and development to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, combat climate change, and promote sustainable energy sources.

The criminal justice system should focus on community-based alternatives to incarceration, such as restorative justice programs, to reduce prison overcrowding, promote rehabilitation, and address the root causes of crime.

Increasing funding for the arts is crucial for promoting cultural enrichment, fostering creativity, and supporting the economic contributions of the creative industries.

The government should regulate the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes, addressing concerns related to bias, transparency, and accountability.

The promotion of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is necessary to combat climate change, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and create a sustainable energy future.

Autonomous weapons should be banned globally to prevent the escalation of warfare, minimize civilian casualties, and avoid the potential for autonomous decision-making errors.

The government should implement measures to address workplace discrimination, such as affirmative action policies, to promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in the workforce.

Increasing funding for public libraries is crucial for promoting literacy, providing access to information, and fostering a sense of community.

The government should regulate the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes, addressing concerns related to bias, transparency, and accountability.

The promotion of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is necessary to combat climate change, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and create a sustainable energy future.

Autonomous weapons should be banned globally to prevent the escalation of warfare, minimize civilian casualties, and avoid the potential for autonomous decision-making errors.

The government should implement measures to address workplace discrimination, such as affirmative action policies, to promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in the workforce.

Increasing funding for public libraries is crucial for promoting literacy, providing access to information, and fostering a sense of community.

The government should regulate the use of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes, addressing concerns related to bias, transparency, and accountability.

The promotion of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is necessary to combat climate change, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and create a sustainable energy future. 

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