100 Common Noun-Preposition Collocations

b1 english b2 english Mar 01, 2024

Here are the 100 common noun preposition collocations with examples:

  1. Interest in: He has a keen interest in photography.
  2. Love for: She has a deep love for animals.
  3. Agreement on: We reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.
  4. Belief in: His belief in equality shapes his actions.
  5. Fear of: There's a fear of failure among the students.
  6. Respect for: He showed great respect for his elders.
  7. Focus on: The meeting's focus is on budget allocation.
  8. Need for: There's a pressing need for affordable housing.
  9. Solution to: We need to find a solution to this problem.
  10. Connection between: There's a strong connection between diet and health.
  11. Comparison with: Let's make a comparison with last year's sales figures.
  12. Association with: Her association with the charity spans many years.
  13. Responsibility for: He bears responsibility for the project's success.
  14. Participation in: Her active participation in the debate was commendable.
  15. Contribution to: Your contribution to the fundraiser was appreciated.
  16. Effect on: The new policy had a significant effect on employee morale.
  17. Result of: The accident was the result of reckless driving.
  18. Purpose of: What's the purpose of this meeting?
  19. Possibility of: There's a possibility of rain later today.
  20. Importance of: She emphasized the importance of punctuality.
  21. Knowledge of: His knowledge of history is extensive.
  22. Experience with: Do you have any experience with marketing?
  23. Control over: She wants more control over her schedule.
  24. Dependence on: Their economy has a heavy dependence on oil.
  25. Relationship between: The psychologist studied the relationship between stress and illness.
  26. Impact on: The new law will have a significant impact on small businesses.
  27. Demand for: There's a high demand for skilled workers.
  28. Benefit of: He explained the benefit of regular exercise.
  29. Role in: What's your role in the project?
  30. Confidence in: I have full confidence in your abilities.
  31. Impact of: The impact of climate change is undeniable.
  32. Preference for: She has a strong preference for tea over coffee.
  33. Advantage of: One advantage of living in the city is access to cultural events.
  34. Awareness of: There's a growing awareness of mental health issues.
  35. Desire for: His desire for success drives him.
  36. Reaction to: Her reaction to the news was one of shock.
  37. Difficulty in: There's a difficulty in finding qualified candidates.
  38. Connection with: The suspect has no connection with the crime.
  39. Change in: There's been a noticeable change in his attitude.
  40. Access to: The library provides access to a wide range of resources.
  41. Influence on: Her parents had a significant influence on her career choices.
  42. Application to: The principles can be applied to various situations.
  43. Commitment to: His commitment to his family is unwavering.
  44. Concern for: There's growing concern for the environment.
  45. Difficulty with: He's having difficulty with the new software.
  46. Explanation of: Can you give a simple explanation of the theory?
  47. Result in: The heavy rain may result in flooding.
  48. Success in: She found great success in her new job.
  49. Interest for: There's a renewed interest for classic literature.
  50. Opportunity for: This project provides a great opportunity for growth.
  51. Capacity for: He has a remarkable capacity for learning.
  52. Tendency to: She has a tendency to procrastinate.
  53. Effectiveness of: They're evaluating the effectiveness of the new marketing strategy.
  54. Responsibility to: We have a responsibility to protect the environment.
  55. Invitation to: She received an invitation to the conference.
  56. Introduction to: The course offers an introduction to computer programming.
  57. Ability to: He has the ability to solve complex problems.
  58. Failure of: The failure of the business was a result of poor management.
  59. Progress in: We've made significant progress in our research.
  60. Potential for: The region has great potential for tourism.
  61. Responsibility with: He shares responsibility with his team.
  62. Confidence with: She spoke with confidence at the presentation.
  63. Experience in: Do you have any experience in customer service?
  64. Involvement in: Her involvement in the project was minimal.
  65. Achievement of: The award recognizes the achievement of excellence.
  66. Connection to: There's a strong connection to the local community.
  67. Focus upon: The discussion will focus upon finding solutions.
  68. Agreement to: He gave his agreement to the proposed plan.
  69. Challenge to: The new assignment poses a challenge to the team.
  70. Reaction from: There was a mixed reaction from the audience.
  71. Conflict with: His views are in conflict with the company's policies.
  72. Possibility for: There's a possibility for expansion in the future.
  73. Excuse for: There's no excuse for such behavior.
  74. Explanation for: Can you provide an explanation for your absence?
  75. Preference to: She gives preference to organic produce.
  76. Demand upon: The project places a heavy demand upon resources.
  77. Suspicion of: There's a suspicion of foul play in the case. 
  78. Assurance of: She sought assurance of the product's quality before purchasing it.
  1. Connection with: The suspect denied any connection with the crime scene.
  2. Interest from: There's been a lot of interest from potential investors.
  3. Experience of: His experience of living abroad broadened his perspective.
  4. Reaction against: There was a strong reaction against the proposed changes.
  5. Demand on: There's a high demand on our customer service team.
  6. Excitement for: There's palpable excitement for the upcoming event.
  7. Reaction towards: Her reaction towards criticism was surprisingly positive.
  8. Confidence about: He expressed confidence about the project's success.
  9. Influence over: The company has significant influence over market trends.
  10. Responsibility over: She has taken on more responsibility over the years.
  11. Ability for: The course enhances students' ability for critical thinking.
  12. Achievement in: Her achievement in the field of science is remarkable.
  13. Advantage in: There's a clear advantage in using renewable energy sources.
  14. Commitment towards: His commitment towards his family is admirable.
  15. Comparison to: The new model pales in comparison to its predecessor.
  16. Concern about: There's growing concern about rising pollution levels.
  17. Connection at: The connection at the conference was spotty.
  18. Conflict over: There's been ongoing conflict over resource allocation.
  19. Preference over: He has a clear preference over which brand to choose.
  20. Progress towards: We're making steady progress towards our goals.
  21. Result upon: The result upon implementation exceeded our expectations.

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